Ahhh… this is better!

So, now that Kitty is staying in my room I’m feeling much better about having her!  She woke me up a couple times last night (silly kitty!)  But otherwise she’s well behaved and everything.  I need to spray my whole room though now, I jusr found another flea on her.  Darnit!  I just hope they don’t jump to the guinea pigs, that would be upsetting.  Although, supposedly fleas don’t much like guinea pigs and are easy to get rid of on them.  Let’s just hope that’s true!  Either way I’ll need to vacuum my room later, again.  I don’t really have time for that today *sigh*  but oh well.  I suppose first thing tomorrow will have to do!  So far everyone just loves her though.  She’s just one of those great cats!  Just gotta get rid of her fleas and teach her not to scratch the carpets!

Anyways, I’m going back to my grammas old house 9now my cousins house i guess) to help sell grammas stuff.  I think I took most of what I wanted yesterday (scored a nice nightstand!) but hey who knows.  I guess about half the stuff was gone before I even got there yesterday.

K time ot run, I’m running late!


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August 12, 2006

awww, good kitty! hehe =)

August 13, 2006

http://opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=A879168&entry=10427&mode=date read that first, then read the entry that confused you 🙂 ~

RYN: thank you, i appreciate the suggestions and the support.

August 15, 2006

thank you for your kind words. i needed the encouragement.

August 15, 2006

did you name her yet??