peace in the valley
Once upon a time there was a god who told us all “Thou shalt not kill”. It was a very nice thought that became a commandment and then law. Now some of you will probably get all panty twisted by this as is your right. But then we kill anyway.
Some of you will try to split hairs and tell me that the word kill is a mistranslation for the word murder. And still I try to find the distinction between the two. Both words mean to stop breathing… forever…
Then one day this god sent his son to earth and his son said, “Be kind to one another” and for that the powers that be killed him, murdered him… use whatever word you like to replace kill. It seems we are unable to listen.
Now that I have my master’s degree in Walking Among the Tombstones, I have come to realize that as a specie doomed to death we are in no hurry to live it. Killing has become a global pastime that is more popular than the WWE.
Division is the new religion that keeps us fighting and I am without doubt on this, even if we were to unify we would still spend every hour on this planet seeking something to hate and kill in the name of a god who said don’t do it. Don’t think about doing it, don’t write songs about thinking about do it.
I am not judging anyone about this need to end life on a wholesale scale. After all my god told me not to judge, but I falter from time to time. All I’m saying is let’s take a knee, let’s see what we can do to alter the notion that the other guy is wrong and we are right, after all the other guy thinks he is right and we are wrong.
So with no bad guy, who is the good guy? And with no good guy, who is the bad guy? It’s all very mind bending. I do admit, there are people out there so terrible that they need killing and I’m sure out there there is a scripture to back it up. But that’s not what I’m about today. Today I am about not killing in the name of God. Stop it, he doesn’t like it when you do that.