Yarn, yarn & more yarn. And the hats (photos)

My MIL stopped by the other day with MORE yarn for my Bolivia hats. I now have a stash that’s worthy of the phrase "yarn hording." I don’t have a place to KEEP this much yarn. She came over with this HUGE bag of the stuff. A lot of remnants. Some of the stuff is pretty "vintage" aged too. Here’s the photos:

First up are two views of the completed hats. Sorry, the little pumpkin hat was given to my twin sister. She liked it SO MUCH and I wasn’t sure if I could duplicate it so I shipped it to her. Oh, and the little red and white hat is about the right size for either a premi baby or a little doll-baby. I don’t know if girls in Bolivia play with dolls, but I’m shipping it out with the completed children’s hats.

another view

On to the yarn porn! Below is the complete "stash" Some of this stuff, I already owned, but most of it came from my MIL this weekend.

yarn porn

The blues and purples.  I actually bought about half of this stack. The pink/blue rainbow and solid blues (except for the two little baby blues) I already had. The purples and green/blue/pink came from the MIL.

i have the "i have nowhere to store this stuff" yarn blues.

The dark colors. I bought the black ticked stuff for a blanket for Kenny when I bought my first Wal-Mart Knifty Knitters. That project died a death because I ended up HATING my knifty knitters! The browns all came from my MIL this weekend.

oooooh, dark!

The orange. MAN this stuff is bright! It’s all florescent except for the one ball on the left. That’s more of a peachy/orange. But it’s still very vibrant.
so bright, i gotta wear shades!

The stash of green. JJ is going to get more hats with green! That ball of bulky looking yarn in front is the ONLY green yarn I owned. The rest of it came from MIL.
are you green with envy yet?

My pinks. The florescent pinks came from MIL and will be used in a hat (only enough for one I think). The fuzzy pink and the boucle pink/purple dark blend I already got on a really good sale. No idea what I’m going to use them for yet. But the fuzzy pink will probably make a nice soft hat and scarf set for this winter as a gift for somebody.

The whites, cremes and reds. I owned the one ball of white on the right and the 3 bulky reds (more hats and scarves) already. The rest came from MIL!

the reds and whites

These yarns are already spoken for for my big blankets. In the bottom right corner, you can just see that stupid loopy yarn I was using to make a blanket for my couch. Yeah. I took that all off of the loom. I threaded the ends so I can put it back on, but something tells me that I’m going to frog that project and resell the yarn on eBay. GAH! I hate it. The fuzzy pink and rainbow next to the loopy is currently on the loom for a blanket for my neice. Her birthday is June 25. I SHOULD be done with the blanket by then, but I need to really get cracking! The blue and pink boucle next to the fuzzy stuff is for two baby blankets for my friends at work. My friend C will be getting a combo pink and blue baby blanket. My friend J (head of the HR department) will get either a blue or pink blanket with a few accents in the other colors once she finds out next week what she’s having.

other projects, not hats

So. That’s it. That’s my "stash" of yarn. Are you all yarn porned out? I have enough yarn here for about 100 hats or more. I can finish about 1 hat a week at work (at home I work on the blankets). I’ll have a box ready to be shipped to California for the pick-up (need the address). Then, before the Bolivia trip, I’ll send another box up to Canada or a border town in the U.S. so it can make it across the border (will need the address).

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