
Well, HELL. I didn’t think I’d cause that much strife with my previous entry. It’s my own fault for putting it on "Theme of the Week." I wonder if there is a way to undo that. I didn’t realize that there WASN’T a theme of the week. I just saw that somebody else had put something up there about the "Occupy" movement, so I clicked submit too.

They are my opinions though. And they aren’t entirely uneducated. Yes I know a lot of people don’t agree with me. And that’s fine. I would like to thank those who stood up for me and my feelings. They aren’t hurt, honest. It’s a touchy subject for a lot of people.

And I do have to admit that the rich have the government under their thumbs. It’s one of the reasons I stated that lobbying needs to be illegal. It is nothing more than bribery and good old boy sentimentality.

Oh well. I’ll still believe what I believe. I’m going to go read the link that one of the noters left for me. Maybe it’ll be useful.

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December 1, 2011

This is bull****! blah blah blah, you suck! booooo! 😛 sweet that you’re checking out that site. if you’re willing to take a much bigger jump look at It proposes a society that would eventually eliminate money. or rather, it’d provide everyone on earth with a place to live, food to eat, clothes… all the basic things we need and want. using technology we automate industry, eliminating as many jobs as possible. why have truck drivers when you can have self driving trucks? why have people standing at cash registers when we can easily serve ourselves? Without money being a factor Global Warming, pollution, rainforrests etc, that’d all stop. There’s enough green energy on the planet to tap into and there’s enough resources to care for everyone, it’s a question of management of those resources.

I read your Occupy entry. I think you may have touched a nerve by suggesting that people accept some personal accountability for their own financial situations. For example, we want to blame the banks for the sub-prime mortgage crisis, but what about those people who sought out and accepted those loans in order to buy homes they KNEW they couldn’t afford? Let’s be serious for a minute here.

Then there’s the Reg E amendment, which was a direct result of people not keeping track of their account balances and incurring overdraft fees from the evil banks. Somehow the banks are to blame for people not knowing how much money they have? Frankly, it’s bullsh*t. But nobody wants to point the finger at themselves. People may not like the truth, but somebody has to speak it. I applaud you.

I have to admit that I read quickly through your prior entry. I live in Canada. I do know that they had an occupy movement in Calgary. They finally moved them all out of the Olympic square. Most were homeless. In Calgary, unemployment is a choice because we are a rich oil province. Housing is super expensive. They are trying to come up with ways to combat it. Everyone agreed with the cityin moving the supposed protestors out. They were many people trying to avoid the shelters provided that try to help them with addiction and mental conditions.