Wow. Just – Wow

A lot happened yesterday. A LOT.

First, I woke up and my stomach exploded – again. This has been going on for 4 days now. JEEZE. I think I’m going to have to see a doctor soon if it doesn’t stop. I have to be able to get out of the bathroom eventually.

Then, I went to Target to pick up some immodium and pretzels. I decided to "eat plain" all day to clear out whatever is in my belly that is completely unhappy. Actually got rock star parking!

Got to my mom’s and waited for my sister and Tesia so we could go to my Grandma Imo’s place. I drove. Yes, I DROVE. I’m sick of everybody else driving when we go somewhere. If they want to use my big vehicle, I’m driving. Suck it up. Now, if we were driving more than an hour to get somewhere, I’d share, but it’s my vehicle, I’m driving.

So, we get there my grandmother has all of her nutcrackers out. Some are big and some are little, but they are all out. She tells me I’m to pick one out for each of the boys and then one for my niece Kenzi.  So, I did. It was a bit weird, but there you go. We had lunch at 10:45. Ham sandwiches and chips and soda. Not a bad lunch, just a tad early for me. No biggie. Then, Grandpa goes downstairs into the basement to smoke, after he had been hacking and coughing all morning (it was quite gross actually). It’s been a couple of hours at this point and Grandma asks if we’re going to take the other Christmas stuff and we say sure. It’s a pre-lit Christmas tree, some ornaments, and some little decorations I remember from childhood. Unfortunately, they were stored in the basement. The basement where they smoke all the time. The air was so thick it hurt to breathe.

Soon after we got the tree and ornaments loaded into the van, we left because Tesia was starting to get wild. Heather said it was nap time, though it wasn’t yet. Tesia was just really being herself, but she was getting really red cheeked and wheezing and not being able to breathe. We drove home (45 minutes) with the windows down (thank GOD it was nice yesterday). The tree REEKED of smoke. Heather said she didn’t want it and my mom didn’t want it either. So, it’s sitting in my garage waiting for trash pick up. I’m not bringing that thing any further into my house. I’m still hacking up smoke. But there’s no use in them quitting now. They’re both dying of horrible diseases. Let them do what makes them happy.

So, after I get home I clean out the van.  I used half a bottle of Febreeze on it and left the windows and doors wide open while it sat in the driveway for a bit. It still smells, just not as bad as before. Then, all my clothes and my coat went into the washer. PHEW! STINKY! Then I laid down for a nap because I was beat.

At 2:45 we left for my SIL’s  house. The kids had a lot of fun playing outside. I like hanging out with them. We had another early meal (4:30) of turkey, chick pot stickers, stuffing, cranberry sauce (from the can) and some cupcakes. Pretty good actually. The boys didn’t eat anything (of course). Kenny had an epic meltdown because Jess gave him a "sippy cup" for a baby. Evan got one too. So, then we got them regular glasses because as Evan put it, "I not a baby."  It’s not my fault her 4 (almost 5) year old still poops in his diaper and needs a sippy cup. My boys are big boys. At this rate, Evan will be potty trained before Stevie (the nephew). So, we leave at about 6:30. We get home and Nathan makes the boys some mac and cheese for dinner (because it’s their normal dinner time and they’re hungry). 

On the way home he shows me what his mother gave him.

Are you ready for this?



I just about cried. I asked him WHY she gave us that kind of money for no reason (it’s not like it’s Christmas or anything). He said that because of the rental properties and taxes and other things that they do, it’s actually better for them to give us the money as gifts. I don’t think he really understood the reason either. We’re supposed to put one of the checks as an extra house payment. Directly towards the principal (YAY!). The other check is for us to spend as we want! Nathan said he was going to deposit both checks. He’s not sure if he’s going to put $1000 towards the house or not because it would be a nice base to use for the new car later this year. AND he said I CAN spend the other $1000! I’ve been telling him how I want to buy the boys both nice NEW bedroom sets. Both will now get new bunkbeds and dressers for their rooms. 🙂 I’m getting rid of the JUNK that’s in there. Of course, not the dresser in Kenny’s room. That’s an antique given to my grandparents for their wedding and handed down to me. THAT dresser will come back to me. 🙂 But the rest of the crap is GOING! WOOH! And there will be just enough left over to buy some paint for my bedroom. 🙂  Nathan has asked me to NOT spend the money until after the tax money comes in, but I can wait. He’s already submitted the tax and got a confirmation. We should have the major portion of the tax refund in the bank in a couple of weeks.  I still have to figure out exactly which sets I’m getting for the boys. I think I want bunk beds that can convert into a loft type bed or can be separated into two separate beds for when they get older. Or if not bunk beds, I want beds that have a trundle bed underneath too. Hmmmmmm!!!!! Lots of looking and shopping to do! WOOHOO!!!!!!

And today, I’m going to go shoe shopping for myself. Then, come back home for lunch with my men. THEN, while Evan takes a nap, Kenny and I are going to the mall. He wants to see the inside of the "spaceship" on top of the mall (I’m too lazy to find a picture to post. Believe me though, it looks like a space ship). AND, he needs pants that fit properly. Target and Wal-Mart only have shorts out. So, I’m taking him to the children’s store in the mall that always has pants.

So, it wasn’t a horrible day yesterday. I’m sad that my grandparents are both really quite sick and that yesterday was probably the last time I’d see them outside of a hospital or hospice. I’m glad it was a nice day outside and there was a lot of fresh air to be had. And let’s be honest, getting $2000 at the end of the day basically "just because" is always REALLY nice. We can definitely use the money. My car is DYING. One of these days I’m going to be writing an entry based on how it just stopped and had to be towed and how I had to wait on the side of the road for the tow truck. I think there’s something wrong with the fuel pump and most definitely something wrong with the transmission. It’s really only a matter of time now.

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Sounds exhausting! I’m glad it ended on a good note, though!

March 7, 2010

wow!!! More later, must sew!

March 7, 2010

All’s well that ends well then, huh? How’s your innards today?

When Art has to repair a computer and the people smoke, it is so gross. I can totally agree how gross it smells but I understand the love part. You are blessed to get the cash. It was so kind of them.

March 10, 2010

That is SO nice for you guys!!!