Work is work is work.

For posterity: I am a “Project Coordinator/Estimator” with absolutely no experience other than what I’ve been learning the last couple of months. My current boss says I have “skills” and the owner of the company tells me constantly how lucky they are that they found me.

  1. I get a $300 monthly bonus if I reach the “goals” set forth by my boss.
    1. The first “goal” was to do a proposal without his help. Ummm, I’ve been doing that for 3 months
    2. February’s “goal” is to write one procedure. Not ALL of them, just one. Well, that’s done.
  2. I get another $100 monthly bonus because I have to deal with my ex-boss (he left the company) on a constant basis. His new company is ordering parts from us to install elsewhere. I create the proposals and process the purchase orders and take all his calls. It’s very fucking annoying because he still treats me like he’s my boss. No. He’s not my boss. He’s a CUSTOMER and we are a VENDOR now. He can stop telling me what to do. Yes, we need to keep his company happy, but he’s always giving me a request at the last minute and it pisses me off. Therefor, the $100 extra a month.
  3. My base hourly wages are $17.60 an hour. I’m not salaried so any overtime is “time and a half” of $26.40 per hour. Last week, I had 10.75 hours of overtime. That’s (excuse me while I math) … $283.80. At standard pay, I’m making $36,608 a year. Add in the total bonus of $4800 a year, I get: $41,408. Not bad for somebody just a year ago who was making only $32k a year.


Currently, I really like my job. It’s interesting most of the time. It keeps me busy and the days go by very quickly. Sometimes it’s frustrating, but the good days completely out-number the bad. Two years ago, I left a job I’d been at for 13 years because the bad days were every day. A good day was few and far between. I spent a year at a call-center job just to learn how to breath again.

And now I’m here. Appreciated. Learning. Being useful.

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February 6, 2018
