We start chemo with Madelyn on Monday. She will be getting 4 rounds (3-days each) every 3 weeks, so she will finish in 3-4 months. At that time they will go and do a CT scan to see how much smaller the tumor is. At that time, hopefully surgery will be done to remove it. They will biopsy the tumor and do labs on the lung fluid and do blood work again and if all is good we will take out the Broviac line in Madelyn’s chest. If it’s not good, we will talk about the next step at that time. We did receive some very good news yesterday (well as good as we thought we could get) for Madelyn’s prognosis – 95%-97% cure rate. Woo hoo! Of course you would like an even higher number, but I think that’s the best odds we are going to get right now and I’ll take them!
95%-97% survival! YAY! Some of the things I read online were HORRIBLE. Stating that the survival rate was at like 35% based on prognosis! But, Madelyn’s doctors are very optimistic for her. She’s strong and since there is no bone involvement, her chances are high. This makes me happy.
Evan and I are having a Mommy and Me day. I asked him and he said he didn’t want to go on his field trip. He wanted to stay home with me. So, we went to Bread Co. for a chocolate chip cookie (for him) and a blueberry bagel (for me). Then we came home and watched Sesame Street and some Thomas the Train. Then we goofed off together being silly for a bit. And then we went to Burger King for lunch. Now, he’s watching Bubble Guppies and then it’ll be nap time. While he’s out cold I’m going to TRY to clean but I cough hard whenever I move too much so it  might be just me sitting on the recliner reading until Kenny gets off of the bus.
We have Tesia tonight too. It’s tax season again. Last year was really hard on me. I hope it’s not like that this year. Although, I must say that it’s already a bit better because Tesia and Evan are both potty trained.

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I think someone else asked this, but does your friend have a diary here, or a blog of her own?

February 4, 2011

That’s good news, but still so very sad that she has to go through chemo. I miss those mommy and me days… 🙂

February 5, 2011

RYN: Thank you for the suggestions. Mine loves Thomas too.

I will be praying for Madelyn to continue to be strong during treatment. I’m glad her prognosis is good, and God-willing – in a few months she will be fully recovered.