Weekend – an added edit (tmi)




I totally forgot to go to the theater and exchange this weekend’s set of tickets for a different show. So, now I’m going to cross my fingers tightly and HOPE that I’m OK enough to sit through "Legally Blond: The Musical." If not, my sister and my mom will take the tickets and go. I think that if I take my meds and drink my water, I should be OK. Then again, I might be a total wreck. Who knows.

Sunday morning I went with my sister and neice to Chuckee Cheese’s. I brought Kenny and Evan. Kenny is now to the point where he runs around like a little mad man playing the kids games and riding the rides. Evan was in full panic mode almost the entire time, but he did enjoy the pizza and playing the whack-a-mole game.

I managed to not do anything on my cleaning list. I’m such a lazy bum. I did manage to get a couple of loads of laundry done and I’ll finish the rest tonight and tomorrow.

Last night, one of my neighbors (about 3 houses down) had a large raging party. Starting at about 9:30, I could hear the music in my house! I didn’t really mind because today is a holiday for a lot of people. Anyhow, around 11:30 last night a major brawl broke out. MAJOR. That’s when I started caring – I had to be at work this morning. Lots of yelling and then a woman started screaming. She wasn’t part of the fight I think. It was a more scared type of screaming. Then there was a lot more yelling, a bunch of engine revving and several car alarms went off. Nathan got up to look out the window. The cops had been called. I’m pretty sure the party broke up soon after because I fell asleep.

Yesterday, I had a bit of bleeding like I was on my period. Great. Just what I needed. But, today, I’ve not had any spotting at all. I’m hoping it was just because I overdid it at Chuckee Cheese or something. I really don’t want to be on my period and trying to recover from my tonsillectomy. I’ve checked online and the only rule about surgery during the menstrual cycle is to not wear a tampon on surgery day. I can do that if I need too. I just hope I won’t need too.

I’ve been warning the guys from work that I’m going to be out for a while and yet I’ve still got almost nothing on my desk. It will be very interesting when I get back from my surgery. I’m hoping to be back at work on day 11 post surgery. If I can’t, then I guess I’ll take more vacation, which totally sucks. I had better plans for my vacation this year. BAH! Oh well, from what I’ve read, after a couple of days, I’ll feel just OK enough to not want to die and will be able to watch t.v. and movie or play games. We’ll see.

Well, I should finish the work that I do have right now so that I can discuss it with my boss when he gets back tomorrow.

Oh, and I wanted to say THANK YOU to everybody for their warm thoughts, wishes and prayers. I may or may not write another entry before the surgery. It just depends on how busy I am and what I’m feeling. I’m going to try to keep a hand-written journal for the next couple of days to document everything. Be prepared for a long entry probably some time next week describing everything in horrid detail. My sister wants me to try my hardest to do two things after surgery while I’m still messed up from anesthesia. She wants me to see if I can read or if the letters are messed up. And, she wants me to really look at any artwork that may be on the walls in the recovery room and to try my hardest to remember the impression and feelings they create. She had a frightening experience with a painting of a horse and child and then not being able to read for a bit post-op last year (completely different surgery). She wants me to be prepared and to try to see if it’s the same because of the whole twin thing and so I can amuse her with stories. And on the mention of my sister, she’ll probably pop in here and give a brief update that I survived – because you know, I know you want to know.


Not that anybody wants to know, but I have some horrible hemmoroid issues. And drinking the Carnation Instant Breakfast twice a day is making them hurt and bleed. And, right now, they hurt so bad that I’m to the point of tears. I’m squirming it hurts so bad. It’s just awful. And you know what, I’m not sure if the half pound I’ve managed to gain by taking in the extra calories is worth it all. I’m going to quit the Carnation Breakfast. I’ll figure something else out. I was doing so much better with my hemmoroids before all this and now I’m back to square one.  I’m ready to call the Midwest Hemoroid Treatment Center so I "Don’t have to suffer in silence" anymore.. SHEESHHH!!!!!

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January 19, 2009

ROFL! I was so zonked after the half hour surgery that all I remember is asking the recovery room nurse to get me a washcloth to wipe off my face and the women next to me getting yelled at for not breathing enough. I was soooooooo dopey. Sleeeeepy.

January 19, 2009

No clue for the hemmeroids, sorry. But try ICE CREAM to gain weight. Mmmmmmm. Calories AND yummy! I’ll be praying for you.

reTMI: Man, hemorrhoids are the WORST. Not to be too personal or anything, but do you “wipe” with those disposable wet cloths? They are kind of expensive but to me they are worth every cent. They made the total difference for me. Why. On EARTH. Do they not want you to wear a tampon for a tonsillectomy? If THAT’S in their way they have WAY bigger problems than menstruation!

January 19, 2009

hope it all goes ok. xx

January 20, 2009

Ouchie, you poor thing. I want to wish you all the best for the op. I hope it all goes well and you’re feeling better really quick. *bighugs*

January 20, 2009

HUGS I’m still thinking good thoughts for you!