
I haven’t been sleeping well. Waking up several times a night. It’s not made me the easiest person to be around. My temper is running right under the surface these days. I’ve been trying not to take it out on my family, but it’s hard. I’ve been spending time alone up in my room just so I don’t explode at them. Still, I miss my boys. Last night was the worsst. I woke up at 1 with the "shocks" in my lower back. It hurts. It feels like an electric shock or really bad muscle spasm anywhere from kidney level to upper thigh. No consistant spot. Just when I’d get over the hurt of one shock and be drifting off to sleep, another shock would hit me. I’m pretty sure it’s all psychological, but that doesn’t make it any less painfull or better. When I did finally fall back asleep (the last I looked at the clock, it was 3:14), I had a Japanese Anime dream that was subtitled. Yup, a dream not in English and I had to read it to understand what was going on. Good times. I don’t watch a lot of subtitled films, but I did happen upon one last night right before I fell asleep at 9:30, so I’m pretty sure that’s where that one came from. I woke up again at 6 with more shocks, and now it’s 7:30. I’ve given up and gotten out of bed. I’m going to go to the store to buy a box of donuts for breakfast.
I’m taking Kenny to his first ever dentist appointment today! It’s at 9:00. I’m so excited. He’s such a big boy!
I had my first "abnormal" Pap Smear results this week. Good news, it’s not HPV. But, they still want to redo the pap in 6 months instead of a year. Way to add to my anxiety. But, my online research shows that it’s probably nothing to worry about. If it was something to worry about, they’d have wanted me back much sooner.
We have our first ever birds nest in the willow tree this year! I don’t know if the birds will actually lay eggs in it. I haven’t seen them around. We saw the birds building it last weekend. But, I know that some birds will build several nests before picking one to lay eggs. I hope we get eggs and baby birds. It’d be fun to show Kenny how all that works. I wonder if we’ll have bunnies under the slide again too.
Still knitting. Finished one hat. I’m not pleased with it, but I’ll send it off to Bolivia anyhow. I’m sure somebody might be able to use it. I’m trying out different patterns and ideas. So far, I think I’m going to use my 10" board and make a bunch of pieces the same length and then "sew" those pieces together. It seems the best way. Uses less yarn, but still makes nice hats. I’m working on a lime green and florescent orange one right now to see how the pattern is going to work.
Well, I’m off to get the donuts.

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In Canada, it is six month appointments for two years. Yes, it was wonderful. NOT! After that they can do a biospy to be sure. This has happened to a few woman at work. Since I skipped the last step, I cheered right up. As for sleep, it really can be a ‘head’ thing. The night job has cured Art of all sleep issues. He is too tired to worry about anything.:)

April 4, 2009

I hope you get some GOOD sleep tonight!

April 4, 2009

Get some sleep…thanks for the hat!!! And hopefully the Pap stays clear.

ryn: no my placenta is not thin…I don’t think…it’s low…I think the measurement was how low it was or how much it was covering my cervix…I don’t know…I’m not too concerned. I’m just going to take it easy.