The Interview

Queen Wysiwyg was interviewed and I asked her to interview me.
This is how it goes:
1 – Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2 – I will respond with five interview questions
3 – You’ll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 – You’ll include this explanation
5 – You’ll as other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
These are the questions she responded with:
1 – How do you balance Mom, Wife, Employee, and Self?
2 – What turns you on more about Nathan now than it did when you were first together?
3 – Pretend you could take a vacation alone without being consumed by guilt. Describe it!
4 – What movie could you watch over and over? Why?
5 – What makes you feel pretty?
1.                  How do you balance Mom, Wife, Employee, and Self? Wow, this is a tough question. The honest answer is “not very well.” A lot of times “self” is what is not balanced. Being a Mom and Wife is very easy. My husband loves me very much and is very understanding of my “ins and outs and complications.” LOL! Being a mom is wonderful most of the time. My children are joys. Real joys. I’m never happier than when I’m with them. Employee is harder. I do it because I HAVE to do it. I don’t necessarily like my job very much. It’s boring as hell. But (most of) the people I work with are great. I need to work so that we can keep up the lifestyle that I want. I wish I could do something different. Balancing “self” is hardest of all. Mostly because I don’t really know who “self” is anymore. Right now, “self” really is a combination of “Mom, Wife and Employee.” There is very little outside of that. “Self” comes out more when she goes to the theater or is in her happy places (mom’s house, grandma’s house, the library, any place with an ambient temperature above 70F). That sometimes makes me sad. But only briefly. I’m mostly happy with the way my life has turned out.

2.                  What turns you on more about Nathan now than it did when you were first together? Emotionally – Hmm. In the beginning it was because he never EVER made me feel dumb. I’m not dumb, but I had a habit of dating REALLY smart guys. And sometimes those guys would make me feel stupid intentionally and unintentionally. Nathan never did that. Even if he had to explain something, he always did it in a way where I never felt dumb. He still does. Now? I guess it’s the cliché of how I see him being a father. I never had a father. I’d never seen one in action all the time with their kids. Seeing how much Nathan teaches them and loves them. It’s amazing. It really just makes me love him more. Physically – It was his red hair. Dammit. I’ve got a thing for red hair in a HUGE way. His hair is darker now, but still. Mmmmmm! Now a days, it’s “that look” he gives me. He still thinks I’m hot and gorgeous even after gaining and loosing all that weight with the pregnancies, saggy skin and c-section scar and all. He thinks I’m beautiful. And that is a turn on. He wants me and that makes me want him.

3.                  Pretend you could take a vacation alone without being consumed by guilt. Describe it! – This one is easy! Only, I’d take different people with me on it. A vacation is best when the memories can be shared with somebody. My vacation would start with Nathan and me going alone again to Hot Springs, Arkansas. We would have massages, ride the ducks and maybe swim in the lake. Then I woulddrop him off at home and take the boys to Disney World for a week. All over Disney World too. With “speed passes” for all the rides. And we’d stay in a hotel IN the park so we could catch the tram. I’d take my mom with us because she’d want to go. Then, my mom would take the boys home and I’d fly to Washington DC to pick up my twin sister. Then, we’d fly to New York City for a week. We’d do EVERYTHING up there. Go to Broadway shows, sit in the park, ride the subway all the touristy stuff. And nobody would make fun of us for being tourists. Then, we’d go to Europe and Australia. My mom and sisters and brother. We’d all go as a family. We’d see the part of Poland/Germany our family was originally from. We’d go to London, Paris, Rome anywhere anybody wanted. We’d take trains. We’d cruise. We’d see so many things. It would be amazing. Then, I would come home and take Nathan and the boys out west to see the Grand Canyon and do the Sky Walk out there. And then home for good because I will have seen what I want to see.

4.                  What movie could you watch over and over? Why? This is SO embarrassing. But, I could watch “The Princess Bride” over and over and over and OVER. It’s so CORNY. I love it. The fantasy of it all. The romance. It’s just the way a love story should have been written. You don’t need all sorts of sex and explosions and violence to make a great movie. A good story line, the right amount of undercurrent, and the right actors in the right roles make for good stuff! I remember watching at my mom’s house when I was younger. I have both books (the original which is really long and the shortened version that the movie was based on).

5.                  What makes you feel pretty? Several things. Nathan makes me feel pretty when he looks at me. J New make-up well applied makes me feel pretty. A lacy and satin bra and panty set always makes me feel pretty. The sun warming my skin as I lay on a beach chair makes me feel pretty. The sun ALWAYS makes me feel pretty. A feminine sweater and a fitted pair of jeans makes me feel pretty.

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I love these. 😉

December 15, 2009

oooh, me me me, do me, do me!! 🙂