The gripe

  • Why is it that when the Subway restaurant is empty except for my family in one booth and a group of adults on the other side of the room, the next family that walks in MUST sit in the booth DIRECTLY BEHIND MINE? There were at least 10 other booths available in equally comfortable spots. COME ON PEOPLE. So, my husband did not stop my 2 year old from bouncing, jumping, and turning around and STARING at the people behind us. He felt it was their own fault. I didn’t care. I was just trying to stay awake. Still sick.
  • My boss kicked me out of the building today. Toerag narked on me. Boss was out sick with a HORRIBLE stomach virus Monday and Tuesday. I was sick, but no fever on Monday and Tuesday so I was there. Well, I lost my voice last night (big f-ing surprise there) and I felt like absolute shit this morning and apparently, I looked it. So, Toerag went in and told Boss that I was sick. There’s a new rule at work handed down from the new President of the company that over-rides the previous ruling against me that all my unpaid leave must be pre-approved: All managers have the right to send sick employees home without pre-approval if that employee is obviously ill. Doesn’t have to be the flu either. It can be a cold, sore throat, rash, injury or whatever. So, my boss comes back, takes one look at me and asks how I’m doing. He hears my voice tells me to pack my stuff up and to go home and preferably stop at the clinic on the way there. He said that he would tell HR he sent me home sick on President’s orders. Dammit. I was doing FINE. I was getting my work done. I felt like crap, but I was doing OK. So, I stopped at the clinic anyhow because I wouldn’t mind getting something for my throat. Turns out, I’ve got a "virus." DUH. Strep was negative. So they sent off a throat swab sample to the lab for more tests because my throat is bad. I can go to work tomorrow if "I’m up to it." My boss said not to come in unless I’m feeling well. We’ll see. It’s about 3:30 now. I’m feeling tired, but have been unable to nap.
  • Why is it that even though my sister has NO money, she keeps asking me if I want to buy tickets to take the kids to see different shows. Disney this, Nickelodeon that, or the Circus. No. Sorry. I don’t. My kids don’t need to see everything that comes to town. We saw a circus this summer, don’t need to see another one right now.
  • It’s raining and cold. I hate the fall. Halloween is going to be miserable if this weather doesn’t clean up a bit. I haven’t even put out ONE decoration yet. And that makes me sad. I LOVE Halloween.

Positive notes:

It’s really quiet in this house when there’s nobody but me and the fur-kids in it.
Nathan loves me.
My boys love me.
I don’t have to do make-up time for this afternoon off.
The blanket I made earlier this year is really warm and comfy.

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Poor you. I hope a nap comes along eventually.

October 14, 2009

I’m glad it turned out to be just a ‘virus’. Interesting this whole sending people home when they’re sick thing. I mean leaving aside the whole issues you described about leave and stuff, I don’t think it’s a bad thing, because I do think people come to work sick tooooo often and spread it around. I have been at work a bit this week while I’m struggling with whatever this is, and I know that everyone was trying to stay away from me and I did feel guilty about being there, but I would have felt even more guilty if I’d stayed at home. It’s a tough one.

It is better that you are home when you are sick. We don’t go to any shows because we have no money. We do go to anything free….maybe this is why she has no money. LOL!