The bitch entry

I’m bitching here. Beware of the "f bomb" – it happens.


I can’t stand it. I just can’t stand it. My throat fucking hurts. I’m sick of it hurting. I thought by now I’d at least be able to drink water without cringing, but I can’t. It fucking hurts every time.

Right now, I have the hiccups. It’s the first time since my surgery that I’ve wanted to cry. OHMYGODTHISFUCKINGSUCKS.

I’m down to 120 pounds.

I’m hungry dammit. I broke down and forced myself to eat half a small pack of turkey lunch meat. It hurt so bad during and after. I think I’m still paying for it now.

My throat is covered in white crap. I’m assuming that’s the "scab" that needs to fall off. It can come off anytime now. I’d like to be able to swallow and/or breath.

My older sister interupted my morning nap. I’d just fallen asleep when the phone rang. I couldn’t get back to sleep. GAH! I don’t mind that she called to check on me. Really, it’s nice. But call when Nathan is home and can talk to you. He’ll ask weather or not I’m feeling up to talking and I can shake my head yes or no. I didn’t mind the brief conversation with Cantbeliveitsme the other day and today because it was about her pregnancy, but PLEASE don’t call me just to fucking chat. I have no tonsils and my throat hurts. GAHH!

Snow. We have it and we’re getting more.

Happy thought? I get to take 2 pain pills at bed time to help me sleep through the pain. I’ll still wake up loads, but it won’t hurt as much.

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Oh, it sounds just horrible. Isn’t day 3 supposed to be the worst day, though? If so, then you are almost through to the other side. I sure hope so. You poor thing.

January 27, 2009

Oh my gosh, you poor, poor thing. It sounds just awful. I wish there was something I could do. *big hugs*

January 27, 2009

I know exactly how you feel. 🙁 Get Nathan to call the doctor about the white stuff and the pain. Try some ice cream.

January 28, 2009

I’m really really sorry. I hope you feel better soon and someone drops a pint of ice cream in your lap!

January 28, 2009

I know these feelings very well. It DOES suck, it DOES f*cking hurt…but this is the LAST time it will hurt. Does that help at all?? Drink carbonated bevs as much as poss, even if its just sparkling water. The fizzy will help get the gunk off your throat. Pasta with butter, bland and slides right down. It WILL get better. I promise. I know it seems like you’ve been in throat-of-razor-blades hell for forever. *HUGS*

January 28, 2009

RYN: I should have said…it doesn’t hurt at all!!! No more than water does. Well, i can only vouch for sparkling water, ginger ale and sprite as that was all I had. The bubbles fizz away and all it does is loosen the crap that’s ready to come off anyway. It doesn’t hurt or irritate it. Also, just an fyi, don’t try ice cream or yogurt or pudding or anything that will ‘stick’. That WILL hurt. Stay away from anything acidic or spicy. Bland is your friend.