Tests tests tests

So, on Friday, I had a colonoscopy and a scope down through my mouth too. They removed a "sigmoid polyp" (which refers to location, not type). They also discovered a portion of my colon that is either really inflamed or infected. A sample was taken. Both the polyp and the sample were sent off to the lab for testing. I should have a call in 10 days with results. In the mean-time I’ve been told that I have Gastritis (fancy name for chronic stomach upset). AND, that everything that is wrong can be treated medically. The polyp "did not look cancerous" and neither did the inflamed section of bowel. Of course, nothing is 100% until the results come back. In 10 days, I will know what medicines to take. I’ve looked up online things about gastritis. Basically, a bland diet with no spices and no tomato. Blah. Also no caffeine or heavy dairy. And go easy on the red meat. So it’s turkey (no gravy), multi-grain rice, and light yogurt. And heap on the "gas free" veggies (carrots, leafy greens, corn {BLECH}) and non-citrus fruits. Yum. Weeeeee. Yeah, I can try, but something tells me I’m going to eat what I want anyhow. Sure, I am now avoiding spaghetti and chocolate as if my life depended on it. But those are the two things that make me be in horribly pain and make me super sick. BUT, I’ve not had a problem with garlic yet. And I’ve been able to have white meat fried chicken (skin removed). I’m just going to be careful. I’m definitely going to include more fruits and veggies though. That seems to be key.
Demerol is an interesting way to loose about 14 hours of your life. Why on EARTH do people take drugs like that on purpose. I completely freaked out when I woke up. My procedure was at 1:30PM and I woke up at home at 7PM. I had almost no recollection of how I got there. I vaguely remember the doctor making a joke to Nathan about no housework for 6 months. I sort of remember telling Nathan that I didn’t want to get something to eat on the way home, just to get home and go to bed. I kind of remember Nathan holding my waste on the way up the stairs. And then I remember waking up at like 5:30 and hearing the boys and my niece outside being loud and realizing that I was home. And then it was 7PM and I couldn’t remember what the doctor said in the way of results or if I ate or went to the bathroom or if I was home alone. I called Nathan and he came upstairs and told me everything – again. Apparently, it was like the 5th time I’d asked. Yeah. Not fun. And I was in and out the rest of the evening. I went downstairs to watch 2 of 3 kids while Nathan took Kenny to get McDonald’s. I paid REAL attention at this point because I had the two little ones and we were alone. Not the best idea we had. Probably illegal. Thankfully, it only took like 15 minutes for Nathan to get back. And then I supposedly talked on the phone with my older sister while I ate and then she came to get Tesia and we discussed going to RibFest in St. Louis to see Bret Michaels perform. I only have a really vague memory of that. And then I was back in bed for the night. I didn’t feel good the entire time. It was really messed up.
A coworker of mine died yesterday. She procrastinated going to the doctor even though she knew something was not right. 3 months after being diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer, she died. She leaves behind a husband, several extra-marital affairs (which remained friendly with her after they ended), a lot of friends and one beloved cat. Please get checked if you think something is wrong. She’s one of the main reasons that I am still going through all my medical stuff instead of giving up.
I finished painting the kitchen today. I almost killed Kenny and Nathan in the process though. I set up the baby gate so that Pepperanne would not get in the way or into the paint. Well, Kenny let her into the kitchen, so I made her go outside in the backyard. I was finishing up when Nathan let Pepperanne in. She was excited because Kenny was leaving the kitchen and she thought he had food. Well, she ran straight through the paint pan on the floor. There was paint all over her feet (all 4 of course), the linoleum and my carpet. I quick grabbed the dog and threw her back outside. I made Nathan clean the floor and carpet (it has stained the carpet and I’m beyond pissed about it). I made Kenny come outside to help me wash Pepperanne. So I picked her up and dropped her in the kiddie pool. It was the quickest solution. Of course that now meant there was diluted paint all over her underside and legs. ARGHHH! So, I rinsed her as best I could and then baby shampooed her and rinsed her some more. She’s probably going to be completely matted tomorrow morning. Her fur is getting pretty long. I don’t normally groom her myself anymore. It kills my back. I could have happily beaten both of them. I almost called my mother to come pick up Kenny for a bit. I was livid. It really wasn’t his fault. It was Nathan’s. He should have known better. He’s a freaking ADULT.
I got the second book by Lisa Mantchev. She’s a diarist here on OD. I can NOT remember her OD name though. The first book in her series is Eyes Like Stars. The second is Perchance to Dream. So far, a good read just like the first one. I completely recommend it!
Bath time for the boys. I should write more often. Then it wouldn’t be a book every time.

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May 31, 2010

Well, they DID find something then, didn’t they??? I just HOPE you hear sooner than 10 days!!!! Hang tough, at least you had some energy to paint!! Insert cheesey smiles here.

June 1, 2010

sending you good thoughts – I really hope you have some relief soon!

June 1, 2010

It must be a bit of relief that they found something to indicate WHY your stomach has been so nasty lately. Hopefully the biopsies will tell them exactly what meds you need to finally feel better.

I would urge you to follow the diet suggested. My mum has tried very hard to do what she should. Her allergy to wheat has caused lots of damage to her digestive system. It gets you in your sixties and onward. Oh, I have heard nothing but good things about garlic.

June 3, 2010

OMG, I was reading along, nodding about the medical stuffs, and then hit the story about the paint and the dog. *not… laughing… REALLY* XD