Stuff – with photos

Kenny has strep throat. No fever. No upset stomach. Just a pair of really swollen tonsils. They’re so swollen, they almost touch his uvula. Great. So, Nathan takes him to the doctor just to be sure and he’s got strep. Nathan is gonna stay home with him tomorrow. He can’t go to school for 24 hours. Bleach.
I miss Booker. I’m going to post her last photo here. Now that I’ve really seen it, she doesn’t look well at all. I know I made the right decision by her. It still doesn’t make it any easier. I miss her. Didn’t she have the prettiest yellow eyes?

Evan is being a royal pain in the ass. Such a 2 year old. Alternately the sweetest little boy and the most aggravating tyrant I’ve ever had the pleasure to love. SHEESH.


We have a spider living outside our sliding glass door. He (or she) is about the size of a penny. I love my camera! Took some close up photos. The one that’s not washed out was with the flash but not using the macro option. The other two were with the macro option. He’s all washed out, but look how SCARY he is!


I’m not sure what kind of spider he is, but he’s keeping the bug count low because he’s built right next to the porch light. The minute he tries to come in the house or gets too close to me or the kids though and it’s squish city.

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Those are great spider photos! Looks like you’ve got this year’s Halloween decorations covered. 😉 What a beautiful, beautiful kitty.

August 20, 2009

those are good pics. hugs

August 20, 2009

Ug, that spider is freaking me out. I find light coloured spiders so much scarier than black ones. Probably because you can see all the detail more.