Soulless (slight edit to correct info)

I’m not sure I believe in Souls.
I’m not sure I believe in God.
I’m not sure I believe in Hell.
I’m not sure I believe in Heaven.
I’m not sure I believe in ANYTHING.

My heart hurts for those children and innocents whose lives were TAKEN.
My heart hurts for those children and innocents whose lives, though not taken will NEVER be the same.
My heart hurts for those children and innocents whose lives were DESTROYED.

I want to believe in Hell right now.
Eternal damnation even.
I want to believe in the Seventh Level of hell.
Fire and ice upon those who destroy the innocent.
Eternal pain and suffering too.

I want to believe in Heaven.
I want to believe that the innocent are there now.
I want to believe that there is some sort of place where they can wait for their parents.
I want to believe that they knew no pain at the end.

I know there had to be fear in their hearts, minds and bodies.
I want to believe that it was brief, maybe even unrecognized.

I want to believe in people.
I want to believe that people are kind.
I want to believe.

The above is not a poem or a song. The above are just my thoughts right now. Short. Disjointed. Hurting. I can’t seem to focus. I have a kindergartener. What if that had happened at his school? It could happen anywhere.

20 children – dead.
5 adults – dead.
1 COWARD – dead.

I think I’m going to go throw up now. I feel so sick. The innocent babies. My heart hurts.

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December 14, 2012

….that was extremely deep. it gives you something to think about for sure.

December 14, 2012

Just got home from lunch out with my husband, checked into FB and saw the news. I have a 1st grader and a 3rd grader, and live in MA- which isn’t *too* far from where it happened. I’m speechless. How do these things happen?

I felt sick about it. Since I work in a school every day, I cannot believe that someone could do that to babies.