So very excited!

First, the not so great because I’m going to end on happy notes.

  • Work was dreadfully dull today. I literally had nothing to do at one point. Stuff eventually came up, but I think I spent probably 75% of my day trying to look busy. My boss was out, so I couldn’t ask him for stuff to do. And since I’m a Technical Writer (the only one in the building), it’s not like I can ask a drafter or engineer if they need my help, because I couldn’t help them. I hate it when my days get like this. I was so bored it was painful.
  • The doctor’s office called. They want me to call back. It’s not been 10 days yet. I’m remaining positive. I’m going with the thought that they say "10 days for results" as an "under promise and over deliver" tactic. I’m NOT allowing myself to think that they did find something terribly wrong and need to speak with me immediately. The message did NOT say that. It just said the lady’s name from Dr. P’s office and to please call her back. I AM going to remain positive. They have my results and they know how to treat and fix me up so that I’m all better.

Now on to the GREAT stuff! WOOH!

  • I got a translation at work that I’ve been waiting for. It is now on the appropriate desk and all will be taken care of and my boss can stop panicking about it. YAY!
  • Because it’s been slow at work, I am not panicking about taking a week long vacation later this month. It’ll be just fine.
  • Pepper’s poop test results came back clean, so her upset tummy is more than likely from the food brand she’s eating changing their formula. She’s almost better now. I’m glad. Better safe than sorry. Love my little princess puppy!
  • Tomorrow is the neighborhood yardsale. AND for the first time in 7 years I am NOT participating. That’s right folks. I am NOT having a yard sale. I didn’t get my crap together in time. And I don’t care. Maybe I’ll have one next month. Maybe not. But I’m not worried about it. I think I’m probably just going to load the van up and make a nice donation to the Good Will and the Woman’s Shelter. Not sure. I let my in-laws know a month ago and reminded them last week. They did not bring anything over. If they come over early tomorrow morning I WILL be pissed off.
  • My twin sister, her husband and my niece will be her in about 2 1/2 weeks! WOOHOO! I’m very VERY excited to have them come visit! We don’t have too much planned. We’re having an "almost birthday" party for Kenzie one afternoon and we’re going to see Wicked at the Fox the next afternoon. Other than that, we might go to the Zoo, Science Center, Grant’s Farm, etc. OR we might just hang at home and watch television and swim in the back yard. Not sure. Either way it’ll be LOTS of fun!
  • AND, the icing on today’s cake? My very best friend from high school is coming out to visit! She’s going to be here the same weekend that my sister and her family is here. The more the merrier! I haven’t seen her since 1997! I can’t wait! We’ve been on the phone much of this evening figuring out flights and shows (she’s coming with us to Wicked!). She sounds just the same as ever. She’s only going to be here one weekend, but I’ll take it! I’m so stoked! We are going to have SO MUCH FUN! And there will be squealing and jumping up and down in the airport. And I’m going to take her on the MetroLink! The last time she was here, they hadn’t even begun to BUILD it yet! She’s never been on a "city train" before! OMG! I’m so happy about it I am just sitting here in total SQUEEE mode!
  • I did NOT get sick or have pain when I ate Chef Boyardee Beefaroni for lunch today. So, I think I’m going to make spaghetti for dinner tomorrow and try that. Maybe it’s the garlic that makes me sick and not the tomato sauce. I’ll stay away from the garlic bread and just eat the spaghetti. I REALLY want some spaghetti. If I can add that to the list of foods that don’t cause pain or make me sick, it’ll make me VERY happy.
  • Kenny and Evan both drew me pictures today because they LOVE me. I have so many pictures from them, I don’t know what I’ll do with them all. I have lots of picture frames though that I don’t use. I’m thinking of framing them all and hanging them up in the hallway and changing them out periodically.

Today has been one of the Best days I’ve had in a long time. Even with the boredom an doctor’s call. I’m having a GREAT day.

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June 5, 2010

Oh it’s so good to have great plans ahead!!!! Don’t start worrying about the doctor. Finally, like you said, they can start treating you!

My sister is coming to visit in the summer. I’m sort of nervous but happy about it, too.

June 5, 2010

yey for exciting news. big hugs. xxx

June 6, 2010

I lived in St. Louis and you mentioned so many places in this entry that I miss, such as going to the Fox and the wonderful zoo. I hope you all have a great time whatever you do.

When my kids were in their picture-drawing days (wish they still did!), I strung a line back and forth across one wall of the dining room and hung the pictures on it with clothespins. That way they could be an evolving “museum” display. 😉

June 7, 2010

those are some great Happy Bullets 🙂

June 11, 2010

RYN: But if the cats had free reign of the castle as did the rats and frogs, wouldn’t the cats have killed the rats and frogs? Their cats, after all, they like to track and play with things like that and kill him. Do you think the house elves fed them all too? And how do you know which rat is your’s if they’re all over the place? Or what frog? It’s all very interesting to think about, really. 😉

June 11, 2010

YAYS for all the good stuff and BOOS for all the bad. Sorry I’ve been so absent lately. xo

June 17, 2010

RYN: Mine’s been the same way! I just figured since I would be home all summer and we’d give it a try and for whatever reason it worked. I know we’ve still got a LONG way to go until he’s completely trained but it’s nice to have a start. Good luck with yours!