So much to write about

Let’s begin with the biggies:

July – I had a doctor’s appointment where it was decided to "up" my depression medication. I’m now on 100mg of Xoloft a day. I can’t seem to kick the depression. If this doesn’t work, in 6 months we’ll go up to 200mg. If THAT doesn’t work, we’ll switch to a different type of medication. I’m functioning. I even have good days. But my lows are pretty bad. I just hide in my room and avoid everybody. I get angry easy. I get lethargic. I only do what *has* to be done. Stupid inherited disease. It’s one of the reasons I’m trying to get off of artificial hormones.

August 14, 2012 – I am officially done with having babies! How do I know this? I had an out-patient procedure to have the "essure" put in place. Basically, it’s 2 little springs that go in the fallopian tubes. No cutting. No stitches. After 3 months, everything is scarred over and I am officially sterile! WOOH! Until then, I’ll leave my IUD in. After that, out it comes and I’m going to try to go hormone free for a while.

August 18, 2012 – I "ran" my first 5k! Yes, not even a week after my "surgery." I did something called "The Color Run" with my friend Jodi. We had a GREAT time. We even jogged for a good portion of it. My hips and calves were KILLING me the next two days though. I need better running shoes if I’m going to continue to do 5k’s with Jodi. I’m also going to start running more. I need to get my bad leg in shape. It’s not been the same since before I tore the thigh muscle a year ago.

Halloween update – This year’s costume will be "Steampunk." I’m going for the "neo-victorian, retro-futuristic" version of steampunk. I’ve made some weapons, a few costume bits, and gotten some other items together. I can’t wait! I love Halloween. People at my office have finally realized that I’m all about Halloween. I’ve already been asked if I’m planning my costume yet. And when I do, most people have NO IDEA what steampunk is. Sigh. Oh well. When they see me, they’ll figure it out.

I know where I want to take my "Talented" story. I just need to get there. When I’m done procrastinating I’ll write it out.

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You’re no so bad, you still have a sex drive. Depression kills mine and those pills bury it. Effexor always worked well for me.

August 27, 2012

Hope the med situation settles out nicely.& I’ve thought about the colour run…and/or run for your life. Both sound fun. Way to go on that! Steampunk <3.

August 27, 2012

I have thought about the essure thingy. I have an iud and my husband is sterile (snippy snip) but I’m not sure that I am ready for it to be final… though I am done… for sure.

My little boy loves Halloween. He got super excited when he saw that Wal Mart had started putting out the ‘section’ for it. I am hormone free. When I was on hormones (for a short time in my life), it made me feel very strange. I hope that it helps you with your other medical issues.