
Holy crap.

From my sister, H: "I was planning on emailing you today and letting you know that I decided on Tesia’s big present (because I want you to know what I’m spending some of the money on) but now I don’t know if I can get it.  (side bar – in another part of the email, she had a car problem that needed to be fixed. It ended up costing $45). I want to get her an ipod touch.  I figure the money from grandma is at least $100 which will cover most of the price of an 8GB ipod touch.  "

WHAT THE HELL? WHAT THE FUCK? Yes, I told her to give Tesia a Christmas. I replied with the thought that I felt the iPod Touch was a BIG gift – especially for a 5 YEAR OLD GIRL. Get the girl a fucking My Little Pony. She doesn’t NEED an iPod Touch.

I’m not going to dictate to her how to spend the money, but I had hoped she’d do better than THIS.


And now she wants to know if Tesia can stay at my house on Friday night because she "needs to clean without a 5 year old in the way." 



In other news, the Executive Assistant at my company is leaving. Every time this happens, there’s the scare/thought/suggestion that I return to the position.  I’ve spoken to my boss that I will only accept the job (if offered to me) if three criteria are met: 

1. I need to make at least $40,000 a year. I’d be doing more work PLUS would have to buy a new wardrobe to fit the role I’d be filling.
2. I get my own office (not a cube – an OFFICE preferably with a window). Being the Executive Assistant requires working with and on sensitive material. An office would be required.
3. I get an extra week of vacation. This is purely just a selfish requirement that I want.

If I have to be the Executive Assistant again, I’ll have to keep my current job as well. Parts of it would be passed around, but I can’t do everything. Even with what I’m offering, I’d still be cheaper than hiring somebody else and this company is all about saving money these days.

In more other news, the boys had their Christmas musical on Monday. Kenny had a speaking part (just one little line asking people to be quiet because other people might be recording the performance)! He didn’t freak out or freeze up. I was so proud of him. Each grade (Kindergarten through 2nd) sang one song and their were 2 group songs. Evan had a great time singing his songs too. My sweet boys.

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December 13, 2012

A five year old really doesn’t need an iPod touch. Sure, if she was raking in the dough and had it to be frivolous, I’d see no problem with it. My friend got her 6 year old an iPad, but they have the extra income to do so. They’re not asking folks for help with stuff. A better use of the money would be to buy her a few little toys and some clothes/shoes… or hang on the excess for emergency.

December 14, 2012

I agree that an ipod touch is extravagant for a five year old. Stick to your guns and get your terms met!