
December 1, 2010


Dear Author:

Thank you so much for sending the **** Literary Agency your query. We’d like to apologize for the impersonal nature of this standard rejection letter. Rest assured that we do read every query letter carefully and, unfortunately, this project is not right for us.  Because this business is so subjective and opinions vary widely, we recommend that you pursue other agents. After all, it just takes one "yes" to find the right match.  


Good luck with all your publishing endeavors.



**** Literary Agency

Well, on to better and brighter things then, right?

I need to edit and clean up my book anyhow. And then I’ll write a proper pitch and submit it to more agencies. There’s plenty out there and somebody will want my book. I just know that it will get published.

I will do this.

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December 1, 2010

Awe, sorry about that. It’s pretty common to get rejected a few times, but yes, there’s other agencies out there and you’re bound to find one that wants it. You WILL do it.

December 1, 2010

FOOLS!! IDIOTS!!! There, did that help? You are a brave and determined woman, this WILL happen.

Keep going! You can do it!

December 1, 2010

I love your positive attitude! You go!!! x

December 2, 2010

Keep on keepin on! :))

Harry Potter was rejected several times.