Proud Mom moment

A letter from Kenny’s teacher (in response to an email sent this morning about Kenny’s missing jacket):

Hello Mrs. Lastname,

I looked in the Lost and Found and did not find it but I will continue to keep an eye out for it.  I’d like to take this opportunity to comment on how enjoyable it is to have Kenny in the classroom.  He discovers things that most of the other children never do until he points them out.  I am so pleased.  He has been getting Enrichment Math homework assignments, if those become overwhelming for him please let me know I can go back to the on-level homework assignments.  I don’t ever want the children to stress over Kindergarten, smile!

I will continue to keep in touch with you as I know you will as well keep me informed of any developments you think I may need to be made aware of concerning Kenny.

Take Care,

Mrs. R
BIG HUGE GRINS on my side of the screen. Kenny (for now) is SMART. He’s doing well. Maybe even thriving. I love this. I love that he’s not struggling. 
On a side note, I think a Kindergarten teacher should proof read her emails before she sends them. Her last sentence is a run-on and is missing words. There are a couple spots elsewhere in the email that are missing words too. Just a tad bit annoying. Then again, I have a degree in English; so maybe it’s just me and my OCD.

On another side note, of COURSE he’s good in math. Seriously. His father took all the levels of Physics that were available in college and the very last level of that was for an ELECTIVE (the great big NERD). Nathan is borderline genius (never tested, but his ACT and SAT scores were really high). Kenny is a little Nathan clone. From birth, he’s looked exactly like Nathan (except for the brown eyes). He acts like Nathan. He talks like Nathan. He’s a mini-Nathan. So it’s not a HUGE surprise that Kenny is (so far) excelling in that portion of schooling.  If he ever falls behind in math, we’ll know then that he is MY child. I was good at math until 8th grade and then that portion of my brain decided to go on permanent vacation. Seriously. I had to take "College Algebra" (first algebra class most freshmen take) TWICE. I only passed the second time because I had the same teacher, sat in front of the class and did all the homework. The teacher passed me because I TRIED and he knew I was an English major and REALLY didn’t need the math. He made me promise to take Accounting or Statistics to finish out my math requirements! LOL!

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October 5, 2010


October 5, 2010


October 14, 2010

I soooo know how you feel about math! I took “funfermentals of math” in college. uuuuuugh. rock on kenny!