Poor Daisy

Daisy had a luxating patella. So yesterday, she had surgery to fix the problem. She came through with flying colors. She’s pouting a bit because she has to remain calm which means staying attached to me by a 4 foot leash.

They gave her a really pretty cast though:

She’s in the cast for one week. Then it comes off and the stitches (hopefully) come out. Then it’s another 3 weeks after that of more leash training. It will be a good time for me to hard core train the basics. Sit, Stay, Down, Shake, Leave it, No Jump, No Bark, Quiet, etc. etc. etc.   And the potty training too. I’ll be taking her out on a leash for the foreseeable future.

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November 9, 2011

Hope she recovers quickly!!! Poor little thing!

It’s wonderful the things they can fix nowadays! She’s such a beautiful little girl. 😉

November 10, 2011

She’s so cute. Hope she trains and heals well for you and is up and running as soon as expected.

November 10, 2011

Awww… poor thing.

That’s one fancy cast, I feel sorry for the poor thing.

ryn: I *love* those things, but we can’t get them because they have a smeeeeeeell and so Lance is allerrrrrgic to them.

RYN: Pilfer, nab, grab, heist…