
So, I took another pregnancy test. This time, I took a test that uses PINK lines instead of blue. I read online that the sticks with blue lines were notorious for showing a shadow that could be misread as a positive.  So, I took the pink line one and there was NOTHING there! PHEW! I have another test handy and will still test in a couple of days, but so far, we’re OK. I’m still a bit worried, but not as much.
I went to McDonald’s last night and got the Grimmace toy! YAY! It’s the ONLY one I really wanted out of the 30 or so that they’re giving with the Happy Meals. Granted, I had to swap a movie from the "Red Box" ($1 a night rentals) so Kenny would give me the toy. He got the Super Mario Brothers Yoshi’s a Superstar (cartoon series) DVD. An entire evening of badly done Super Mario cartoons was worth the price. 🙂

That’s my Grimmace in the middle with Jen’s red puppy and Sarah’s polar bear. I also have the Ronald McDonald and "30 Year" bear toys. They sit on my desk looking cute. I have taken all the tags off of my toys in the hopes it will deter office theivery. Grimmace is a hot commodity around here. I don’t care about resale value in the future, I just like Grimmace. I wish they’d had Birdie and Hamburgler toys too.

Last night was the final night of Tee Ball for Kenny. 🙂 He was so good. My BIL was in town. He was nice enough to come and sit and watch the little one run around the field to be taught how to run, catch and swing. He took a load of photos. My sister and Tesia showed up, so he got to see all out little ones. He seemed relatively happy about that.
I’m supposed to go to Alton this weekend to see my Grandpa Don and Grandma Imo. Both are in very ill health, but it’s Grandpa’s birthday. So, I’ll make sure the kids are healthy and drag them out there. If they’re even the tiniest bit sick, they’ll stay home. Don’t want to get the elder’s sicker. Grandpa has terrible emphysema (or however you spell it) and Grandma has pancreatic cancer. Neither are going to be around much longer (per the doctors), so it’s imperative that I at least go.
I just got "Animal Crossing: City Folk" for my Wii. If anybody has that game and wants to be a "neighbor" note me your friend code and I’ll add you and send you mine. I also got the Rayman Raving Rabbids:TV. That should be a lot of fun to try!
I got the PERFECT thing to hand out with the Halloween candy this year! Target was selling those glow sticks/bracelets in a tube. It was 12 bracelets for $1!!!! So, I bought 13 tubes. 3 tubes I’ve shown Kenny. When he’s good and cleans like he’s supposed to, it’s his reward at bedtime to get a new glow stick. They last like 3 nights! The other 10 tubes have been squirreled away with the halloween pumpkins. 🙂 I’ll crack them open on Halloween night and hand them out with the candy. 1 bracelet per kid. 120 should be enough. Of course, they’re for ages 4 and up, so anybody smaller than that will get one if their supervision approves. If not, then it’s just candy.

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July 31, 2009

That is a great idea (the bracelets). You’re a good Halloween House! Grimmace is my favorite! He’s so cute! *sighs with you*

My children would adore a glow stick bracelet. They are older and think it is lots of fun to have them. They sell them a the huge yearly family dance. It is a DOLLAR for ONE. Even though every child is a blessing, it is better when you are happy about it. Thus, congratulations on not being pregnant.:0

August 4, 2009

Your parcel arrived this week. You knit wonderfully! I know those things will get given to GREAT and grateful recipients in the fall. I’ll be giving them to J’s hubby on Friday night before we leave for Canada. I’m so glad your box came in time.

August 4, 2009

ps. I found those same bracelets at Michael’s a few weeks ago. We had great fun with them at the family reunion. Kids played with them in the hot tub. Just a caveat… we had about 1 in 4 just not work, for whatever reason.

August 10, 2009

hi! You let the kids use glow sticks??? Kids? I never understood why they sell those for CHILDREN!!! We just umm, break them open and uhhhhh, make sure the kids are asleep and you know…do ” skin art”. SNort. Why do you think we have FOUR kids??? Huh?? Kidding. I wanted to see if you were awake. HA!! THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU for the stuff!! I can’t wait to see it!!!