Of Threats and Donuts and Naps

An ex-employee called the police department and made threats against the company last week. Nobody knew except Upper Management and the HR Department. The HR Department sent out an email about “safety” that included everything from giving yourself extra time because of the weather to walking in pairs to our cars because it’s dark out. That’s nothing unusual because our company is in an old part of town with bad roads and not the best neighborhoods. Well, the HR Department sent out another notice today stating that the company has received threats. The HR Department was refusing to tell anybody anymore information than that it was an “ex employee.” A smart person who works in the plant called the police department to ask who made the threat and when. The police told him that the threat was made last week and it was found out today who it was. I don’t remember the guy’s name, but supposedly he used to be a security guard here. He was caught stealing copper and brass fittings down in the plant (probably for recycling) and was fired. No charges were filed for the theft. So, he made threats. Good times. I’m not really worried though. Who calls the police to make a threat against their company? Hello! They trace phone calls. Apparently, he called from his home.

Nathan was off watching the boys and our niece yesterday. Heather brought over a box of little powdered donuts. Nathan let them have some with breakfast and then a couple for snack. Then he made them some lunch (Fritos and tator tots – no wonder the kids love spending the day with him). It was about 1:30 and Nathan realized it had gotten quiet. Kenny was sitting on the recliner playing on his DS. Tesia and Evan were sitting on the floor of the kitchen, the box of donuts (which had been on the counter) between them. Each had donuts in both hands. There were 3 left in the box. Nathan said they got 4 or 5 a piece! HAHAHAA! So, he let Kenny have the last 3 and told Tesia and Evan that they weren’t going to have any more snacks for the rest of the day. Neither of them seemed to really care. Goofy kids.

Nobody had a planned nap yesterday. Nathan doesn’t make them nap because he can’t ever get Tesia to really lay down and sleep. Evan was being really good, so he didn’t take him up either. Anyhow, at about 4:20, Nathan turned to see where all the kids were (he was playing on the computer). Kenny was watching T.V. on the couch. Tesia was playing with something in the room, but Evan wasn’t right there. So he turned further around in the computer chair and found Evan passed out in the recliner. He was on his belly with his head on one arm rest and facing the back of the chair, his left hand tucked between his belly and the back of the chair, and one leg on the other armrest with the other leg tucked up. His right arm is tucked way up under the armrest. I actually had to work to get it free.
Nathan took it on his cell phone. Nathan said he got up to make sure Evan was breathing and not hurt or something, but he was just sleeping like that. Poor little man, he just had to sleep!

Sorry the photo is in black and white and is small. This is the one from Nathan’s phone. I took more with my camera, but I’m at work and this is the only one I had here.

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November 12, 2009

Well, can Nathan watch MY kids???? He sounds like a great Dad/Uncle.

November 12, 2009

That is SOOOOO cute. I love their funny little sleeping possies.

Sounds like when Art is home with the children all day. LOL!