Nothing new to report

Honestly. I don’t have much to report.

Well, maybe a few things.

1.   I’m over 40,000 words into my book. I’m really very proud of myself. When I first started, I never thought I’d be able to write anywhere NEAR 50,000 words. And now, I’m thinking that I’ll probably be closer to 75,000 when the book is done.

2.   I love my support system for the book. I have a couple of REALLY great people supporting me.

3.   Evan threw a major fit this evening when we got home for the day. He was yelling/growling at me when I told him he couldn’t have a snack before dinner. Red faced anger was directed at me and I didn’t like it. I was actually quite scared. That kind of anger is unsettling. We’re going to have to work on calming techniques or my kid is going to need behavior therapy.

4.   I now have to buy clothes for Kenny in the big kid section of the store. It’s great, but it’s also a right of passage. The clothes are no longer "cute." They’re cool and sophisticated looking.

5.   My good friend at work is leaving at the end of the month. She got a job offer that is amazing and cuts down on her commute time. Her take home pay is going to be nearly DOUBLE. I’m going to miss her. I’ve gotten used to having another girl in the room with me and the 5 guys. Now it’s going to be just ME and the 5 guys.

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November 11, 2010

Great progress on the book! 🙂 I understand what it’s like to lose a co-worker friend. I had a cubie mate who left and now I have no one to talk to up here. It’s very lonely.

WOW! That’s a lot of words! I will expect an autographed copy when it’s published (that I will BUY, of course!). ryn: Ouch. My mom had a similar piece of wisdom: “You have the kind of personality that people will appreciate more when you’re older.” I know what she meant but – wow, Mom!

November 11, 2010

RYN: Thanks…I also noticed that it takes a lot of time and effort to be part of these groups. I figured that time would be better spent writing… It would be nice to have a somewhat professional opinion on my work, but I guess I can hire someone for that. :))

November 12, 2010

you are doing so well on your book!

Congratulations on the book progress. I find dinner time the hardest time of the day. I have a menu plan and we eat early. It still is a challenge.