New Kitty Pictures and other stuff

So, today I took Evan and Kenny to visit our new kitty at the Humane Society. He’s still not quite big enough to be neutered, but it will still probably be some time this coming week!  We stopped at Target first to pick up a pack of canned food to drop off for donation. It was super busy in there today. No open rooms for play time, but they did let us go back to the cage area so we could play with him. Unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to get him out of the cage. Got to follow the rules! But, I still managed to get some pictures.

In hindsight, it’s a good thing Kenny didn’t pick the solid gray. When we went to play with them today, the gray hid in the back of the cage. He seemed quite fearful and nervous. As you can see in these pictures, our little Garfield (Kenny is adamant about the name), is quite the adventurer! I think he’s going to miss his little gray tabby friend though. They were playing and snuggling together a lot. We are very excited (and slightly impatient) to have him come home.
Today, Kenny went to his very first birthday party for a friend. It was at the bowling alley. Kenny had so much fun. He bowled 6 whole frames before he got wore out. But, that was actually on par with the rest of the kids. Then it was time to watch his buddy, Logan open all his presents and then there was cake and punch. YUM! We had fun.
I woke up at 5:30AM this morning. I don’t know why I’ve been sleeping like crap lately. I get like this every year around this time and the only thing I can think of is swimming. I swear I was a fish in my past life. I NEED to get in the water and swim. MUST SWIM. I’m going to see about joining Gold’s Gym for like a month so I can get my swim on and then feel better. I’ve always been such a fish. I love the water. We’ll see.
Friday was Kenny’s last day of school. He had field day. I took a half day of vacation so I could go. Yeah. It ended up being playing on the playground with some special toys. There was, however, a story lady and that was great. She did puppets and sang some songs and told two stories. I took video, but I’m not going to post it as I didn’t get the story lady’s permission. I guess the video will be just for Kenny and Evan to enjoy.

monkey on the jungle gym

I took a nap after Kenny and I got home from the birthday party. Actually, I didn’t sleep, but I spent a couple of hours upstairs in quiet mode. I watched Mama Mia! I’ve seen it before. It’s so campy and funny. And almost NONE of the actors can sing. But they’re having a good time and you can tell.  I came down stairs in a much better mood than I had been earlier. It was nice. I’m not sure if I’m still in the good mood, but it was there.
We bought ice creme tonight too. Went to the grocery store and picked up cones, ice creme and some sprinkles. I had sprinkles at home, but these were "mix in" sprinkles that  supposedly wouldn’t bleed or dissolve in ice creme and would stay crunchy. They actually did. It’s a big shaker bottle of them and they were a $1.50, so no harm done. I’ll just have to remember to not use them on cookies and cakes!

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May 30, 2009

garfield is so cute! how cool kenny will have him to take care of. ahhh, ice cream cones. *sigh* mmmmm garfield’s about twice as big as our rescue kitty. I will probably be annoying you for advice about the little puss. He’s still at the wobbly stage.

June 1, 2009

RYN: yes, my fake facebook is the one you have 🙂 After all the reading I did on orphaned baby kittens, I was worried that I should be bottle feeding. The animal hospital place told me dry or wet food was okay, but I’m with you on the mushy food – that’s what I’ve been doing. He’s been drinking water out of the dish, and peeing up a storm. And he’s been pooping, too. I read about stimulating baby kittens to teach them to poop (I guess mama cats lick the baby’s butt to stimulate them?) It all sounded like too much but he took to the litter box unbelievably. Hopefully when we go to the vet tomorrow we will be enlightened more. At this point the things I am concerned about are his sneezing (we are giving him some liquid antibiotic stuff) and his belly. He’s like a skeleton with fur, except for that swollen belly. I called the animal hospital place to ask about it, but they were not helpful.

I can’t wait until Ben gets invited to a birthday party. My older children do it without me. It is fun being at someone else’s party. I am jealous of your getting a cat. I cannot wait until we can get one. As for swimming, I love to do it, too. I am registering the children for lessons, soon.