New Kitty is home – edited

Well, the newest member of our family is home. He brings us to 3 cats, 1 dog and 4 humans. Photos below:

He’s so sweet! He’s going to be a "head bonker" for attention. And he was just so happy to not be in a cage. He prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd most of the night. He didn’t whine a whole lot during the night either (during sleep time) which is marvelous.

We’ve gone through several name choices since last night: Jack, Bop, Mr. Salt (a reference to Blue’s Clues), Elmo, Garfield, Laffy, Junior, etc. But, I think we’re going to stick with Garfield. I’ll probably call him "G" for short. I call all the cats by their first letter "B," "D," and now "G."  Garfield will just be his calling name. He’ll have other nicknames, I’m sure. We call Booker Queenie and Beautiful, and D’Artagnan gets Big D and Fuzzbucket (in a loving tone). So, we’ll come up with something for the little guy.

Booker came into the spare room to visit the little one last night. She watched him quietly. Then, when he got too close, she hissed a bit with her ears back, but there was no real growl with it. She pretty much is just leaving him alone. D’Artagnan doesn’t know/understand what the kitten is, therefore he runs away from it. 😉 I think eventually he’ll figure it out and will probably be fine with the kitten by then (who will probably be full grown before D figures it out). Garfield is sequestered to the spare room while we are sleeping and during the day for now. He doesn’t know how to use the stairs and is small enough to get into trouble throughout the house. We’re going to give him free reign this weekend (if he figures out how to use the stairs properly). If he does well and B & D decide to not kill him, we’ll probably let him sleep in the basement with the other cats too. It just depends on his confidence and ability to not get lost in the house. You have to admit, it’s a pretty big change to go from a 2′ x 2′ x 2′ cage with two other kitties to an entire house. We let him roam a bit under close supervision last night, but he didn’t try the stairs. And I think the dog  scared him a bit too. I’m worried about her chasing him right now. No need to scare the crap out of the kitty!
Edit: I have NO IDEA why this entry posted twice. I did try to post it once and I got a "fail" message (thank goodness I always copy my entries before hitting save). Then, I reposted and it went fine. When I checked right after posting, there was only one entry. I come back 2 hours later and both entries are here. Weird.

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June 9, 2009

random noter: adorable kitten. we just adopted one that looks like him. we named ours Milo after Milo in The Adventures of Milo and Otis.

June 9, 2009

I don’t knkow what we’ll call him yet but he’ll bring us to 3 cats one dog and 2 humans LOL * HUGS xx

He’s beautiful! He fuels my unrequite-able cat lust (sigh).

June 9, 2009

Awwwwww! G is so pretty! (are you going to walk around the house saying, “whaddup, G?” haha) I think I just realized reading this entry how young Al is – G is twice as big as him. Is Kenny going to have the litterbox duty? (haha doodie)

The kitten is so CUTE. I love cats. Great that the other cats are accepting it so well.

RYN: OH MY GOD, YES. This has only happened to me like, twice though. I’ve been working at DQ for almost 2 years. I JUST got a kitten that looks exactly like that! We named him Reznor. 🙂 *

RYN: HA! Yes. I adore you already! *