New Kitty

Well, it was decided to allow Kenny to have a new kitty for his birthday. He’s been asking quite a bit. We already have 2 kitties, but have always planned on having 3. We’ve had 3 before. No, the kitty isn’t really Kenny’s responsibility. The truth of the matter is that he got to pick the kitty out and will get to name him. He is giving us some of his money (about $30) from his piggy bank to help pay for the new kitty though, but that’s because the cost of adopting from the Humane Society is $130 (includes shots, neutering, microchip, and well kitten check-up).  So, today, Kenny and I went to the local Humane Society with a mission. We were there for 1 orange kitten. Not too old (less than a year preferred) and preferably a male. We go. We looked at all the kitties. We saw some very nice ones. And to my suprise the first kitten he chooses for adoption is a very darling long haired tabby kitten. Her name is Ruby and she was just TOO cute. Unfortunately, she’d also already been adopted this morning!  So, we went back through the aisles and into a room we hadn’t seen before. And there he was. A solid orange (no stripes, no white) kitten. He was in a cage with a solid gray, and a solid black. There names are Laffy, Taffy, and Daffy. I know. I tried to convince Kenny he really wanted the solid gray. I’ve always wanted a solid gray cat. But, to no avail. He saw that orange kitty and that was HIS kitty. Laffy. Sweet Laffy. He’s "available" to a loving home. He was very cute and very young. I put him at about a month and a half. So, we filled out the paperwork. I answered questions like "where will the cat sleep?" with answers like "in the house, but honestly anywhere it wants."  We’ve been approved so far to adopt sweet Laffy, but they have to verify that my other cats and PA are up to date on their shots. We’ll get a call on Tuesday letting us know that we’ve been "selected." Then, we have to wait for Mr. Laffy to be at least 2 pounds so that he can be neutered. So, by the time that is all done it might just be Kenny’s birthday! LOL! Or it could be next week. He didn’t look like he was 2 pounds yet. And it is the Humane Society rule that no animal can be sent home without being spayed or neutered (which is good).  

If he’s not ready this week but we are approved, Kenny and I will visit Laffy at the shelter. I will take photos.  But, I’m hoping that Laffy can come home this week. We will be renaming him. Laffy doesn’t fit him AT ALL. Kenny wants to name him Garfield. I think we’re gonna go with something else. I’m going to give Kenny a list to pick from. Garfield will be on that list, but it’s so cliche’ to name an orange cat Garfield. My MIL had an orange tabby named Garfield. 

The arrangements for the new kitty for the first couple of days has been agreed upon with Nathan. Laffy will spend time with the family (including the other pets), but if the adult humans are not at home or are asleep, Laffy will be spending his time in the play room alone with his litter pan and food. At least until we’re certain that Booker and D’Artagnan aren’t going to kill him. I’m sure there will be fights. I’ve introduced cats before. But D’Artagnan is a full grown brute who doesn’t always know his own strength. And Booker can be a real brat. I plan on rubbing the new kitten down with catnip to make him more "desirable" to the adult kitties.  I don’t think there will really be a huge problem, but still better safe than sorry. It’ll probably be about a week before everybody is allowed out and about during the day. The play room is plenty big enough for a kitten. There’s a window, a t.v. with a DVD player, a love seat, a table and plenty of toys. There’s lots of places to explore in there. The house is big. We’ll have to teach him how to use the stairs, the scratching posts, and the sisal rope board. Hopefully he doesn’t claw the place up. I hope he’s not a scaredy cat. I’ve already got one of those!

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I love cats. You are so lucky to get one.

May 24, 2009

Zach wants a cat . I am HIGHLY allergic, so he’s decided til he’s “all grown up and a dad”. Snort. Go for it kid, try to wait 20 years.

May 24, 2009

And umm, no to “Laffy”?? Come ON,at least it isn’t named Farty or Fatty or some other F word. Like Frantz. What were YOU thinking????