New car

I did it. Finally. I sucked it up and went and bought a new car this weekend. I loved my old car, but it was quickly turning into a major piece of junk. It needed at least $3500 worth of work on it. And I’ve already put $4000 into it the past 5 years. It was 11 years old, it was time for the car to go.

So, I bought a Mazda 2. Nathan came with me, but he didn’t test drive it. He was more there for the money aspect. While I was driving it (on rain wet roads), a drunk driver pulled out of a business park and I had to slam on the breaks. I was about 2 feet from hitting the other car. We found out how all the safety features kick in. Scared the crap out of all of us though.

Got back, signed all the papers, and they ordered the car from a dealer in Indiana. I had it by 5:30 in the afternoon! When I showed it to Kenny and Evan, they liked it. The first phrase out of Evan’s mouth was, "It’s a smiling car!"

I would have to agree!

say cheese!

I love the color. I went from "Citrus Gold" to "GREEN."

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Ohhh purdy!

March 7, 2011

Cute car. Love the color.

March 7, 2011

“A smiling car” SO CUTE!!!! Aren’t new wheels great!?!?