More of the same drama

So, I went to check out an apartment on Saturday with my sister. I was pretty sure from the way the lady was speaking, that Heather was going to get denied. But, still had my fingers crossed. This is the email I just got from my sister.


So they declined me based on my credit.  They don’t care that all on my credit report is old.  There’s nothing I can do even if I paid it all off, which I can’t.  Guess I should’ve known better than to get my hopes up.  Don’t know what to do now.  Called them back to see if a cosignor would help.  Thought I could ask Aunt Sue and see if she will cosign for me.  Doubt it will work.  Nothing is going to work for me.  I screwed myself and I’m never going to get out.  Gonna have to pull Tesia from Vikki’s so she can go to pre-K in the fall.  Maybe I should just give her to you or Mom since I’m apparently not good enough to give her the life she deserves.

I don’t know if she could lay the guilt on any thicker. My response is just going to be that I’m sorry she didn’t get the apartment and that I’m sorry she feels she isn’t a good mother. I don’t really have anything else I can say that will not turn on more drama and tears.

I’m not going to reitterate the options I gave her about moving in with us or my mom.
I’m not going to tell her that if she gave me Tesia, I wouldn’t be able to give ANY of the kids the life they deserve because I’d be stressed out, sick, angry and yelling all the time. I’ve noticed that when Tesia is over at my house, my sanity is NOT.
I’m not going to tell her that we all grew up dirt poor and are fine. Because, obviously, she is NOT fine.

This is my response:

I am sorry that you didn’t get the apartment. 
I’m also sorry that you don’t feel you’re giving Tesia the life she deserves. You’re a great mom and you’re trying your best and you love her with your whole being. A lot of kids who have a lot of stuff don’t have that at all. Tesia will be happy to just be with you.

I’m going to try to not let her guilt get to me. We’ve made our decision as a family and I cannot go against that decision.  I know it sucks, but we are all adults now. I have my OWN family to look after. Yes, she is my family too, but my sons and husband now take priority. That’s just the way it is. It would not be any different even if it was my twin sister asking me for the same help.

Oh, holy crap. She just replied with this:
In what?  Our car?  I am NOT living with you or Mom.  We didn’t get along when we lived together when we were kids.  I can’t live with mom because you know…I just can’t!  what am I supposed to do?

Seriously. I’m ready to just chuck it all. Maybe I should respond with a lovely email about how she just needs to suck it up and take my mom’s or my offer of a place to stay. Maybe I should tell her that being an adult means making choices and decisions that you don’t like and absolutely abhor. I’m not responding to the last email. I’m just not. I’ve got nothing. NOTHING left in me.

The circus yesterday was fun. Evan enjoyed the juggler and the elephants. Kenny’s favorite was the dancing bears and the Shriner’s Parade at the start.

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March 22, 2010

hmmm what does she expect you to do with that? I mean she has to take responsibility at some point about her situation. I hope it works out for her and she can stand on her own two feet.

March 22, 2010

Is her middle name “victim”? Suck it up, do what *needs* doing, not what is most fun. How is it that YOU are so sane??

March 22, 2010

Had a similar problem in our family, then we closed the “bank.” It’s tough, but I think they understand. We don’t talk money or what we have or don’t have. They blew it and they know it.

March 22, 2010

and THATS why I don’t live there anymore.

March 22, 2010

thats a seriously hard call. she sounds also like she’s shit scared. i think your response was totally right. good luck.