Migraines suck

Yesterday landed me in the E.R. for a migraine. First time ever for that. It sucked so bad. I got an i.v. and they gave me Demerol. I like Demerol. Demerol is good. And I have Tramadol to keep me loaded until I can get in to see my doctor. They did a CT scan and it showed everything normal. No tumor and no aneurism. So that’s good. The migraines are probably all chemical/hormonal – which translates to extremely treatable. Also, it’s not fatal which is good.

I was there for 4 hours. Nathan took good care of me. And I slept the sleep of drugs when I got home. It was great. I dozed in the hospital, but there’s nothing like passing out in your own bed.

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June 26, 2013

glad you are resting. hugs!

June 26, 2013

Thank goodness for good healthcare. Take care of you.

June 27, 2013

My doctors keep messing with my migraine therapies, trying to find the best combo. Nothing like wanting to scoop your brain out with a spoon, just to get some relief.