Migraines really suck

I can’t get in to the neurologist until Mid-August.
The insurance company says I’ve had enough pills and will no longer pay for them. It’s $130 for 9 pills out of pocket.
I was up until 2:30 this morning. There were tears at midnight. I took my last precious pill at 1:30AM.
It’s weird. Lights and sun hurt my eyes, but computer monitors and my tablet don’t. Neither does a television. Unfortunately all sound hurts and so does moving my head too much.
The CT scan didn’t show anything unusual.
I’m beginning to worry that there is something more serious than regular migraines though. I’ve had this headache for 2 weeks. It just will not quit. I’m good for a bit like 30 minutes and then WHAM I’m hit with severe pain (on top of the constant pain). Then that fades and I’m back to just constant pain. It blows.

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I am beginning to suspect that one is diagnosed with migraines when they don’t have an answer to what it really is. I hope you feel better soon!

You might have an allergy. This lady at work felt like she was going to die and had tests. They finally figured out that she was allergic to wheat. There might be something in your diet causing it.

July 11, 2013

Ewe… that’s one nasty migraine. And I hate that you have to wait that long. Sucks… like deeply sucks.