Long couple of weeks

It’s been a long couple of weeks. So, I think I’ll separate because it’s easier that way.
My scan results came back. Not cancer and no bacteria that shouldn’t be there. I have to take Prilosec for 6 weeks to help my stomach heal (because that’s where the irritation is). And I’m on a medicine called Dicyclomine which is for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Hopefully it works. I just got the medicine this week, but haven’t started taking it yet. The side effects are drowsiness and blurred vision. I’m going to start it today just in case. The doctor still thinks it’s my gallbladder that is hurting even though all my scans are normal. But, due to malpractice and ethics, he cannot remove my gallbladder while it’s functioning – even if it’s hurting me. Stupid malpractice suits. Anyhow, he’s going to redo the scans in a year. If anything is even CLOSE to abnormal, he’ll take out the gallbladder. Until then, it’s the IBS meds.

Evan had a REALLY high fever (103.8 at it’s worst) Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Turns out he had Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. It’s usually babies who get it. He never had it. Kenny did as an itty bitty baby. So, now they’ve both had it and shouldn’t get it again. No idea where Evan picked it up. He’s just hunky-dory now. Back to his old self.
Had a serious case of I love my boss yesterday. I’ve been having issues with a translator vendor. But, I finally got what I needed. Unfortunately, I got an email that frustrated me to no end from the translator about what is and is not included in their DeskTop Publishing services (something I paid extra for) when I found errors (in SPANISH which I don’t speak, but they were glaring errors) in the translation they provided. I fixed the errors, and forwarded the email to my boss. We HAVE to use this vendor because we sell product and Lowe’s and Lowe’s requires us to use their translator to have all our documents translated into Spanish. It’s REALLY damn annoying. Well, I forwarded my boss the email and without telling me, he called and reamed the translator up one side and down the other. Told him that he was lodging an official complaint with Lowe’s over how unprofessional and unreliable and incompetent the translation vendor was. How we have all sorts of evidence in writing because of the 50 or so emails that went back and forth between myself and and the vendor. Supposedly, my contact will be emailing me with information about what he’s going to do to fix the problem. 🙂 I have a really great boss.
I keep having dreams about a large military plane crashing. Usually some type of Carrier plane. That size. And it’s always in a neighborhood. Last night, it was in a town close to here, but not the local military base. A couple nights ago, it was a couple of blocks from here. And before that it was some random made up neighborhood. I do hope it is not some sort of premonition.

Last night, I painted the guest bathroom a lovely light denim blue. It WAS lime "Shrek" green. I hated it. I was embarrassed by it. My mother picked out the color. So, while at Home Depot last night, I splurged on a gallon of paint. The kind that primes while you paint (because the green would DEFINITELY need to be covered with primer). To choose the color I wanted, I stared and stared and the "wall of color" and then found a shade I liked, then I picked the card that was one shade darker. I’m partially color blind to shades, BUT I’ve discovered with paint that if I just go one darker, I get the color I REALLY wanted on walls. I finished at about 11:30 PM. I started around 9:15. I still need to do the touch-ups, behind the toilet (didn’t want to wake the kids with the noise of removing the tank), and the trim clean up. But it already looks 100% better. I am no longer ashamed. I am however going to have to get new decorations for it. The counter is black marble and the flooring is white with black diamonds. Hmmmm. What color should I get for the towels and rug and decor? I’m going to Bed Bath and Beyond today as a bit of a reward for all the cleaning I’m going to do.
 Speaking of cleaning – I have LOADS to do today. It’s all in preparation for my family and best friend coming to visit this week! HolyCowItsMe, her husband and baby Kenzie will be here on Wednesday! WOOHOO! And my very best friend (VBF) will be here on Friday for the weekend! HolyCowItsMe will be here for 12days! YAYYYY!. So, I have to put the boys in the same room. But to do that, I need to clean out Evan’s room and move some extra furniture around. But to do THAT, I need to clean out the play room. Nathan is going to do the heavy lifting and moving for me. I also need to do so much laundry it’s ridiculous. And I need to go to the store. Which reminds me that I need to ask my VBF if she wants or needs anything special while she’s here.
I am SO FREAKING EXCITED about the coming week!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  My sister, the baby, my VBF! It’s awesome! We’re going to see Wicked at the Fox. We’re going to just hang out. We’ll probably play Wii. We’ll eat donuts from our favorite shop. We’ll get on each others’ very last nerve. It’ll be great.

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June 19, 2010

sounds like its going to be a fun couple of weeks. whats the wicked tour cast like at the mo? what about deep red for bathroom accessories? nice with black, white & denim. 🙂

June 21, 2010

what fun! that is going to be such a blast to have all your favorite people with you. got my fingers crossed on the medicine!

A good boss is an awesome thing. I’m glad your test results were good news. I have a bathroom with black and white tiles, I haven’t thought about doing any type of coordinating with anything. I’m pathetic!