July 1

How the hell did it get to be July already? Crap. Maybe it’s not as real because it’s only 68 degrees out right now. I had to wear a JACKET. What the hell, Mother Nature? What – the – hell.

I went to Pridefest in St. Louis yesterday. I went with Jodi and my older sister Heather. We met up with my baby brother Jayjay (the kid’s nickname for Jeremy) and his best friend. Jayjay is gay (hee hee, I made a rhyme). We went out to support him. OK. We also went out to see the freak show. Whenever there’s a crowd, there’s a freak show. And yesterday was no different. 80% of the crowd were normal folk out supporting the gay community. Sure, there was a lot more tie-dye clothing and rainbow socks, but mostly normal. Then there was the other 20%. And I’m not talking about the people who were performers in the parade. Of course they were all dressed up. I’m talking about the random folks. I’m pissed that I didn’t bring a camera. So you’ll just get my list of favorites:

1. The guy in rainbow fur thigh boots, fairy wings, a blue speedo and nothing else.
2. The guy wearing a very ugly blue velvet full length gown, full white face pain, and a white lace bride veil in the style of an old nun’s veil.
3. The girl in the stilettos with 10 inch heels and a dancer’s leotard and nothing else.

And then there were the Bible thumping homophobes across the street from the park where the festival was being held.

1. Has yelling at somebody and telling them how wrong they are ever truly worked?
2. This was a black community church. Seriously? Your people have been so oppressed for so long. Why would you do the same to another group? Many of whom are ALSO black community? You didn’t choose to be black, just like they didn’t choose to be gay.

While on our way to the metrolink it started to rain. Jodi slipped on the sidewalk and fell hard. She was pissed and embarrassed, but thankfully not really hurt. We went to "The Spaghetti Factory" for an early dinner/late lunch. I couldn’t eat much, so I brought it home. I’ll reheat it for lunch.

I overdid it though. I got home with a rebound headache. It sucked. But the headache pills took care of it.
I also had restless leg syndrome and the crawlies for much of the night. Stupid painkiller withdrawal.

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I’ve never been to an event like that because there is none nearby. Alberta is rather red necked and homophobic in general. It does sound like fun though.

July 1, 2013

sounds like it was fun!