I thought I had more time

I know it’s stupid. I know he didn’t know what he was saying. But Kenny really hurt me this morning. I thought I had a few more years until the "I hate you" phase in childhood. Hearing that from an adolescent or a teenager is expected. Hearing it from my alost 7 year old hurt. It was all I could do to not burst into tears right there and remain calm while I explained to him.
And I didn’t want him to be forced to tell me he loves me. He needs to say it on his own. And apologize. Neither of which he did. He did say something along the lines of he didn’t mean to say it, but that’s not the same as an "I’m sorry."
I shouldn’t have let him take his DS to Vicki’s after that, but I wasn’t thinking clearly. I just wanted him to be happy. At least I didn’t totally cave and let him take the box and charger with him.
What am I supposed to do with him? He’s turning into such a brat. He’s rude and a smartass. I think I’d rather have a tantrum from him instead of the morose moping and eyerolling and meanness whenever he doesn’t get his way.
I want my sweet loving Kenny back.

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May 25, 2012

If you figure it out… share. My now evil nine year old went south at around age seven.

Ouuuch. Seven can be a brutal age for everyone involved.

May 25, 2012

Be firm. Explain your feelings. “Kenny it really hurts and makes me sad when you say that. Hate is a very powerful word and means that you don’t love or even like me even a tiny bit. I understand that you are upset but those words are too hurtful to use. When you are ready to apologize and mean it we can talk about why you are upset and what we can do to fix it. Until then I am sad and disappointed in you. “

May 25, 2012


May 27, 2012

I wish I could tell you how to deal with it, but I have no idea what to do. I don’t know what I would do either. 🙁

I guess I think when they say, “I hate you”. It is a temper tantrum. It is never heart felt.