I know I know

It’s late here. I know it’s been over a month since I’ve written. I’m sorry about that. I’ve got what *JustPlainRobin* calls "writer’s lazieness."  No, seriously. I do. I have plenty to write about. Stuff I NEED to write about. But, I don’t. I am Queen of the Procrastinators. Yup that’s me. For now, here’s a list.

1. Vacation
2. Kenny’s first day of school.
2a. The conference with Kenny’s teacher
3. Evan’s first day of school.
4. Daisy
5. My book(s)
6. My work and the lawyer
7. Depression
8. Halloween
9. My friend Jodi
10. Madelyn and her Cancer
11. My hair

When I update next, I’ll try to write about all those things. But for now, I need to go to bed.

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September 13, 2011

I feel your pain, I get that, too. Take your time!

September 16, 2011

I get you! I wonder why I’d rather watch Netflix or play stupid games on the internet than write. Then I beat myself up for it! LOL

I sort of like the titles. LOL!