I got to meet King of Queens Kevin James!

Yesterday on my way to work, I was listening to Y98FM on the radio. I was at a red light when I heard, "Caller 21 right now wins a 4 pack to the Kevin James movie premier at the St. Louis Zoo! Call now!" So I did. And I won! YAY! I was also entered into a contest to be one of 5 families in the entire St. Louis area to get to MEET Kevin James (the star of the movie!)! AND I WON THAT TOO! I took my mom and my two boys to the movie. It was funny and Kevin James was actually a really nice guy too. Below are pictures!

This is a photo of my mom with Kevin James.

This is my Evan with Kevin James!

Kenny and Evan in front of the movie poster.

OK. That baby isn’t mine. But I SWEAR he was one of the cutest babies I had EVER seen! Kevin James just picked him up and thought he was adorable too!

Only after the meet and greet was over did I realize that I hadn’t gotten MY photo taken with Kevin! LOL! I did get a poster signed though. Kenny decided to be extra shy and not get his photo taken or actually MEET Kevin. When I told Evan to go up and say "Hi" right after Kevin arrived, Evan ran and gave Kevin and tackle hug. Kevin laughed and said, "Oof! Football player!" Then he gave Evan a pat on the head and said "Cheese!" with Evan in a very goofy way. It was very nice of him. He was great with all the kids that were there. 🙂

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June 29, 2011

Lol I love him! He’s hilarious!

June 29, 2011

COOOOOOL!!!1 I love him, he is hilarious! You are SO lucky!!!

June 29, 2011

Dude. He totally looks like uncle dale.

June 30, 2011

What a nice guy!

June 30, 2011

OOH I am so jealous! Congrats on winning!

July 5, 2011

That’s awesome! :^)

July 6, 2011

You lucky dog! LOL I love KJ…he’s adorable and funny as heck!! **hugs**

That is totally awesome. I really enjoy him as an actor. We were talking about watching his new movie.