I burnt my eye – edited

Yup. I’m talented.

Last night, Kenny asked if he could have a glow stick since he’d been "so good" that day. ~Tangent, he’s so darn cute when he says, "I’ve been REALLY good today. Can I have __________?" ~ I said he could and went to get one for him.  I grabbed a red one and proceeded to bend it to crack the inner tube so the two chemicals would mix and start glowing. Well, this time, the outer tube snapped and chemical came flying out and managed to get all over my face and clothes. Unfortunately, it also got into my EYE. There was a lot of "FUCK" and "SONOFABITCH" and "DAMMIT" coming out of my mouth (but quietly as I was right outside Kenny’s door when it happened. I heard Nathan ask me if I was bringing a stick and I said, "Hang on." I grabbed another stick from my room and threw it at Nathan in Kenny’s room. He could tell something was wrong because I had a wet washclothe up to my face. So, he finished getting Kenny settled and came out to help me. The packaging said "non-toxic" and to just rinse the eye. I did that and it burned and burned, but I was finally able to force my eye to stay open and to keep rinsing. It was tender and sore for the rest of the night. I went to bed and woke up with an extremely crusty eye. And it was still bothering me. It burned and it felt like there was something IN my eye. I made an appointment and saw an eye doctor. He said I have a minor irritation/burn on my eye. He equated it to boiling water splashing a drop on your hand but it doesn’t leave burn mark. Painful for about 10 seconds and then gone. Well, the same irritation to my eye, only it’s my EYE and of course is going to be more painful because eyes are sensitive (duh). I’ve got steroid drops for 3 days (3 times a day) and if it is still bothering me after the drops, I’m to go back and get looked at. Infection is a real possibility apparently so any sign of fever or anything else, I’m to call right away or go to the E.R. Yay fun. Oh, and no contacts for 3 days two weeks. Drats. I was going to wear my contacts next weekend for a fancy dinner party. Oh well. At least no permanant damage is done.

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January 22, 2010

This confirms my (ir)rational fear of glow sticks! OW!

January 22, 2010

The lawyer in me wants to tell you to save the pieces and take pictures of your eye, just in case. (I know, I’m horrible). That sounds perfectly awful. I hope it heals soon!

January 22, 2010

UGH!!! And may I take a moment to laugh at W??? But, if you want to make this a teaching moment for the boys…remind them that Mommy still has to be careful with things, just like they do. POor you.

YIKES! Glad it was a glow stick and not . . . a pipette of hydrochloric acid, or something.

January 23, 2010

urgh, horrible. look after yourself. x

January 26, 2010

OUCH you take care hon!!! * HUGS – Fancy that being your town!!!

Ouch! The only blessing is that you should get better.