Head -> Desk


I don’t know WHAT is going on. Kenny’s been fully potty trained for over 6 months. The entire school year practically (except the first monthish). And now, we’ve totally back-slid. The last two weeks have been a toilet training disaster. Only he’s only backsliding at home. He’s had one accident at school. But, it was because he got a major time out during outdoor time and was really upset. He’s had no accidents at daycare. At home, he gets pee all over the toilet (there’s only adult sized toilets at daycare) and himself (he sits when he pees). Today, he’s gone through 3 pairs of pants and underwear. First, he didn’t "pee down" into the water and got pee all over his pants. Then, right after lunch, he peed and pooped in his underwear IN THE BATHROOM. THEN, just now after dinner, he peed in his pants in the eat-in part of my kitchen. GAH! He knows when to go. He can feel his body. All day yesterday he did pretty good. Just one "not peeing down" accident. And he’s gone to the bathroom several times today without problem.

We praise him when he does good. We still do rewards. I just don’t know. But the peeing in the kitchen thing was kind of the last straw. I made him strip right there. He (as usual) had to help me clean up the mess (we always make him help clean it up). Only this time, I yelled at him the entire time. I yelled about how disgusting it is to pee anywhere but the toilet. I yelled at how he was acting like a baby and if he doesn’t stop making messes and not going in the potty, he wasn’t going on a field trip, I was going to not let him go to school, and I would make him wear diapers again. Oh, and if he can’t be a big boy like he’s supposed to be, then he’s not getting his own kitty for his birthday this year. He didn’t cry. He knew that would make me even angrier (he’s been crying a lot lately over nothing and it’s been getting him time-outs). As it is, this evening there is no t.v., no computer, no Nintendo DS, and no Thomas the Train computer (learning toy). He has to play with his regular toys (oh the horror) and just deal.  I was about ready to make him go to bed after his bath, but it’s way to early and he’d just get himself worked up over monsters and start freaking out (damn imagination – of all the things to inherit from me).

I’ve just had it this evening. HAD IT. DONE. I love him to pieces. He’s my sweet darling boy. But, dammit…

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May 3, 2009

I know the ‘love em to bits but GRRR!’ feeling all too well, and I know that praise works well when they’re being great, but, well it’s hard to know if getting so cross would make him more worked up, thus more anxious, thus less likely to achieve his potty training?! He’s YOUR boy and YOU know best, so please don’t find me interfering, but maybe discussing why he’s struggeled will help more?

I remember my kids – especially the boys – backslid when they were mastering some new skill OR getting sick. Possibilities? Hang in there, Mama. Nobody ever wore diapers to college.

May 4, 2009

WIsh I had something useful to say..but since Sam is STILL in nappies…I got nothing. *hugs*

May 4, 2009

I know nothing of potty training. I was wondering perhaps he enjoys the attention from you, even if it’s in discipline mode?