Happy Thanksgiving

First, Two things I am NOT grateful for this year:

1. Not getting to bed until past midnight because of a stupid tornado. In NOVEMBER. COME ON. SERIOUSLY??!!
2. Waking up this morning with a UTI or bladder infection. Can’t tell which. 

Now on to the Thankful:

1. Today is a holiday and it didn’t really matter that I was up past midnight with the storm. Thank you mother nature for waiting to bring it on.
2. Wal-Green’s Pharmacy and their cheerful employees who have to work on a national holiday. Without them, I’d be doubled over in pain all day and not enjoying the time with my family. THANK YOU!
3. My family and friends.
4. My pets.
5. My book that is almost done being written.
6. My job (even if it does drive me crazy sometimes).
7. The turkey who I will enjoy eating later today.
8. My sister’s mother-in-law who gave me the recipe over the phone while I was in the store for the cocktail weenies I wanted to make. I didn’t realize how simple it was.
9. The zoo. Really. I love the zoo.
10. Parades. I’m recording the Macy’s parade to watch this afternoon while Evan naps.

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November 26, 2010

Hi! Hopefully you’re resting and just hanging out today!!!! As for an older guy for Katie, I’ve given that alot of thought, she has always gotten along better with people older than her, they tend to play fewer head games. And this guy is sweet, settled and as Copchick says “eye candy”. HA! Above all,he shares our faith, he respects her and makes her feel really good about herself. Hmmmmm.