Happy New Year?

What a way to start the new year. I’ve had a raging headache for 2 days. And last night, I had a nightmare. Nathan woke me up because I was "breathing funny" and it woke him. Stupid ghost, haunted house and demon possession dream. Not fun. After Nathan woke me up, I asked him to snuggle with me because I was scared. About 15 minutes after that, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep unless the bathroom or closet light was turned on. So I ashamedly asked Nathan to turn the light on for me. He said that it wasn’t a problem and he got up and turned on the bathroom light and shut the door most of the way so that the room was lighter, but not SO bright. It still took me quite a while to fall asleep. When I did I had another dream, but thankfully it wasn’t bad. It was a WWII romantic drama that barely got started before I woke up.
Yesterday, I went to see Narnia with a friend from work. It was only showing in 3D here. So it cost $11. Ouch. It was a cute movie, but I’m not sure if it was worth $11. It was done at noon so I called and asked Nathan to get the boys ready for lunch. He said I had to get home as fast as I could because a line of storms was supposed to hit us in 15 minutes. These were the storms that killed 6 people in Arkansas and Missouri. So, I hauled tail home, but not before my car got pelted by marble sized hail and buckets upon buckets of rain. The wind was pretty wild too. When I walked in the door, Nathan already had everybody in the basement. We’re all fine though. No damage and my trees are both still standing.
My head is raging and I need to do laundry so, I’m out.

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January 1, 2011

I hate headaches. GOod luck. ryn: Did your dog figure out she could use the ultrasonic thing to torture your cats or did you get rid of it before it went that far?

January 1, 2011

I’ve had a headache since last night…And I also had a dream about demonic possession just the other day. That is some scary stuff…Hope you are feeling better.

We’re terrible. It takes us a lot to take cover. Hail stones can do tons of damage. I’m glad you were alright. Happy New Year!

January 1, 2011

ryn: Thanks.

January 4, 2011

ugh! hope your head feels better. I hate dreams like that – I’ve been getting ones where I am attacked, in different scenarios, and end up getting stabbed or skewered in the back and I wake up with a ginormous back spasm.