Halloween Costume

So, today is my office Halloween party. NOBODY dressed up except for me. Do I feel foolish? A bit. Do I care? Not really. Halloween is my favorite day of the year. It’s a day for FUN. To be silly.  To eat so much candy you get sick. And if the people in my office don’t want to dress up, then that’s their problem. As long as it’s allowed, I’m going to do it! Even if it wasn’t allowed, I’d do something festive and small like wear mouse ears or something. They can’t stop me.

Anyhow, here’s a picture of my costume.

I took the bridesmaid dress from my sister’s wedding and put the rainbow material over the bottom portion. The headband is also from her wedding. The wings were $5 from Wal-Mart. The white lace shirt was on clearance at Target and can be worn under a couple of other shirts that I have. The material was in the remnants bin at Hobby Lobby and cost me only $10 (it’s a chiffon type material and it’s wrapped a couple of times around me). The butterfly on the dress is actually a $2 Christmas ornament from Garden Ridge.

Not bad for a backup costume, is it?  🙂

Tangent – My GOODNESS! I need to get my eyebrows under control. SHEESH!

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October 28, 2010

random noter You look adorable!!!!!

October 28, 2010

so cute. 🙂

October 28, 2010

EXCELLENT. Love the ingenuity. (We did the same thing… took the SugarBean’s Easter dress and turned it into a Tooth Fairy costume!)

October 28, 2010

Aw look at you all fairy’d up!!! Very nice costume!!!

You look adorable. RYN: I bought wigs. We bought white and green hair paint. The costume shop told us that if we sprayed the hair white and then the colour,it worked better. We paid for high quality hair paint.:)