Good times

Last night, my mom, Kenny, my older sister Heather and I went to the Cardinals baseball game. We only stayed until the 4th inning, but it was fun. We sat in the bleacher seats. Literally the front row and it’s right behind the Cardinal’s bull-pin. We got to watch Molina and Wainright playing catch up close. We tried to get them to sign Kenny’s popcorn box, but they ignored us and all the other little fan boys that were watching the warm-up session. Oh well. We tried. They tried too, but lost spectacularily. Gorgeous night for the game though. No bugs. Not hot. No rain. Not cold. Just nice.
I had a root canal this morning. I was suffering all sorts of panic leading up to it. But, the stupid tooth was waking me up in the middle of the night hurting so bad. And that’s WITH taking the super strength Vicodin left over from my tonsilectomy. Thankfully, I went in early enough that the dentist said I didn’t need a crown. He was able to just use a filling. So, instead of cost nearly $2000, it was $750. Still a load of money, but less than half of the initial cost estimate!  And, that’s with the use of the Nitrous Oxide gas. The last time I had work done on that tooth (the tooth directly to my left of the ‘top front teeth’), the Novicain wore off and it hurt like hell. The tooth has never been the same since. So, this time, I asked for the gas to help me remain calm and they used extra Novicain. 🙂 Yeah, Nitrous Oxide is worth it’s weight in GOLD! I could have cared less about what they were doing to my mouth at that moment. I was too busy thinking happily about the fact that I had 10 toes and that I loved the floating feeling. Ahhhh, legally induced highs.  My appointment was at 9:30, It’s 12:45 now and a good portion of my lip is still completely numb. Plus, he gave me a prescription for Tylenol 3 (codein). I’ve already taken one to help stay ahead of the pain (there will be pain, I’m sure). An easy appointment.
Well, it’s time to get to work. Lunch is over. Blah…

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Yayyy for easy dentist’s visits! I think I would enjoy nitrous a lot more if it weren’t for that damned mask. That makes me more anxious than the nitrous alleviates! 😀

That cost a fortune but at least it didn’t hurt. A bad experience at the dentist is horrible.

May 6, 2009

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. DRUGS!!! I mean, umm, yeah. “Pain killers”. Weehaaaaa!!!

May 6, 2009

I once had a root canal, I kicked the lights I was in so much pain. Float away Keepie, float away!