Good and Bad

Good: My concrete patio FINALLY got put in yesterday! It’s even bigger than I expected it to be. The size is 12 feet deep by 17 feet long! That’s HUGE. It goes past the corner of the house though which I don’t like, but when spring comes I’ll be able to plant a nice garden off the edge or put a sand box or something in the corner and it won’t be so bad. I have pictures. They are stuck on my camera right now, but I’ll post them when I get home.
Bad: Evan has my cold. Poor little tater tot has a horrible cough.  I hope he’s better soon.
Bad: Kenny may have sleep apnea. We are going for a sleep study at St. Louis Children’s Hospital on the 23rd of this month. I thought that his tonsils were just bothering him when he was eating and the doctor would calm me down and say he’s fine. But, he’s worried that Kenny has obstructive sleep apnea and probably needs his tonsils out. That’s both my kids hospitalized in one year.
Sad: Nathan’s Uncle Eddie died last night. He went in for surgery to help repair his liver and kidneys and didn’t come out of it. He drank himself to death. What’s sad is that his mother will not be going to the funeral at all. Eddie was a “user” and a mooch. Their relationship was irreparably broken when he scammed his mother out of over $20,000. That’s why my MIL and FIL moved the grandparent’s in law from Cincinnati, Ohio to our area. Grandmother-in-law is very upset (as any mother would be at the loss of a child), but nobody else really is.
Good: My Christmas present from Nathan is going to be awesome! He had to tell me what it was last night because we had to make some financial decisions about it. He’s getting me a Palm Treo Pro! It’s a new cell phone! WOOH! The problem is, it won’t work with the month to month service we currently use (Cricket). So, we had to do some research on what service it would work on and which package to get. We’re going to go with Verizon on a two year contract to see how it goes. The Treo looks like it’ll be a great phone for me! It’s got all sorts of cool stuff to play with. I’m kind of bummed that Nathan already told me what it is, but glad too because this way we can take care of switching it over to the new company when we get it instead of pre-paying for another month. It’s a way better gift than I got him, but still. It’s also kind of a family gift too. Because this new phone will have voice mail service and better reception all around, we’ll be getting rid of our house landline. My phone will become the family house phone. Not a big deal really.  I can’t wait to get my new toy! WOOH!

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I wish we had more choice on plans in Canada on cell phones. I hope your little Evan recovers quickly. As for any type of surgery on a child, it freaks me out. I’ll say some prayers.