Fun times

My friend Jodi talked me into going to a Renaissance Festival about an hour away from home. I’d never been, but I had an absolute BLAST! I got my hair braided and a tarot reading done. We watched some jousting and shopped. Anyways, photos below. The girl in the photos is my friend Jodi.

My tarot reading. The cards are not laid out properly because I moved them to get the photo. My first card was the Ace, followed by the Cups, and then the Fool. Then the Page of Swords (which represents my husband apparently), the Hermit, then the 2 bottom right cards, then the Sun and the World. She said those were the best two cards to have gotten. I’m supposed to grab the opportunity and run with it! I’ll be successful. I just need to use caution to not be naive and to trust myself. And I’m going to be successful in my new venture/journey.  🙂

Jodi’s hair.

My hair.

Me getting my hair done. I’m wearing a red velvet "cinture" (I think that’s how it’s spelled). I LOVE it. I’m going to find a proper shirt to wear under it and use it for Halloween this year!

Jodi and Me

My neck is all sunburned. It was hotter than hell, especially at the jousting field. But it was a great time and something I would definitely do again!

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May 30, 2011

Good times indeed! 🙂