Fast Food Rant

OK. I KNOW how it is in fast food. I worked in a fast food establishment for 4 years. I was a "shift leader" (kind of like an Assistant Manager). I was almost a "lifer."  I KNOW it’s a crap job. I do. And I also know that it was honestly one of the hardest jobs I ever had. It is hard work, miserable hours, horrible working conditions, and no matter how hard you try – you WILL stink at the end of your shift. Oh, and the pay is degrading.  And dealing with "the customers" is just awful sometimes. But, most customers understand this. They KNOW because a lot of people have held this shit job too.

Yes, it’s a shit job, but it’s YOUR job. Show a little pride. There are probably 20 people still out looking for work who would gladly take your place and earn your paycheck.

Show up to work CLEAN. Your uniform should fit properly and be clean. I can tell the difference between a shirt that is filthy from not being washed from a shirt that is filthy from a long shift standing in front of a fryer. Bathe. It’s as simple as that. BATHE after every shift.

Do NOT ignore your customers. Just because you are busy getting another order ready does not mean you can’t at least make eye contact. Just acknowledge your customer’s existence. They understand that you’re the ONLY person taking orders and filling them. Ignoring them just pisses them off.

Do NOT lean on the counter. Ever. Don’t lean on it when you’re taking orders. Don’t lean on it when you’re waiting for help. Don’t lean on it when you have nothing to do. Just don’t do it. And NEVER do it with your ass. That’s disgusting. You’re going to put FOOD on that counter. Yes, it’s on a tray, but the thought is still gross.

Move with a PURPOSE. If you are "slammed" with customers, walking slower than molasses on a cold January morning is rude. Even if your order isn’t ready to tray up or there are no more orders you can take, do NOT just wander around. Help your fellow workers (if possible). Chat with your customers. But do not just wander aimlessly and slowly.  And, if you are busy and in a business where things are all premade (think cafeteria style), moving with a purpose is even more important. EVERYTHING is ready RIGHT NOW. The only reason there is a long line and angry customers is because YOU are moving at a pace so slow that snails could pass you.

Check the lobby and clean tables every chance you get. It’s been a busy lunch rush, but there’s finally no line? CLEAN THE LOBBY. It doesn’t have to be spotless. Customers don’t expect that. But they do want clean tables and trash cans that aren’t over flowing.  We would "triple bag" our trash cans in the morning. That way, when one bag got full, we would just pull it out, and there’d be more ready. Triple bagging saved time and energy and kept the cans from over-flowing.

If it is one of those restaurants that has the people order at the counter and you bring the food to the table, do NOT let that food sit in the warmer. Nobody likes old fries, they’re gross. And,  you’ll get a frustrated and hungry customer back up at your counter wondering where their food is and asking that it all be remade so that it’s fresh and hot. If you are too busy taking orders, your next customer in line WILL understand if you say "I have to take this order out to the lobby, I will be right back to help you." I promise. They’ll understand.

And above all, do NOT show bad attitude to your customers. They WILL complain about you to the manager eventually. Or they’ll call and complain.  Do not role your eyes, huff, or give dirty looks to them or near them. They DO see you no matter how sly you think you’re being.

If you are the one making the food, show a little care. I know how the burgers are stored. You make a bunch of them, then they are put in a heated tub to sit in their juices and/or water until somebody orders. When the order comes, take the extra 5 seconds to DRAIN THE BURGER. NOBODY likes soggy bread buns. It’s nasty.  I know that there is also a specific way to make a burger, and that’s what the customer wants. Most burger "recipes" call for 2 pickles, not a mound of them. Onions should be thinly sliced, not giant rings big enough to make a huge fried onion ring. Tomatoes should be freshly sliced and NOT yellow or green. Lettuce should also be green and not limp.

If you are the manager of one of these establishments, get your lazy butt out of the office and help your employees. Especially during breakfast, lunch and dinner rushes. You are there for that reason and to handle complaints. Even if you are just cleaning the lobby or helping to tray up orders. DO SOMETHING and your employees will work harder and not think that you are such a piece of shit.

And, Customers, please show  patience. A lot of the "kids" who work these jobs also go to school full time. Basically holding down two full time jobs. Their shifts start at 4pm and end at 10pm, midnight, or later. Then they go home to do their homework. They have to work these jobs so they can save up for a car of for college. Yes, some work there because their parents told them they HAD to get a job. But there are a lot of them who HAVE to have these jobs to help their families. And the adults that work there, they NEED these jobs too. Do not pity them, but show some compassion. This may be very humiliating to the adults. They may not be qualified for anything better and they KNOW it. Purposefully making their jobs hard by being a jerk or just for the fun of it is wrong. If you have a legitimate complaint, fine. Complain. Please do. But if you’re being a jerk just because you’re "better off" than the workers in the fast food place, you are a jerk and nothing more.

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Well said.

July 10, 2010


Amen. This should be printed out and given to all fast-food employees – especially the managers!

I agree with everything that you have written.

July 15, 2010

much of this could apply to any work place. 🙂

July 15, 2010

It’s the same in clothing stores. Show that you care!!! I LOVE shopping and when someone is strung out by an idiot, I calmly say “oh honey, I worked retail, it’s okay….” and then I’m as nice as I can be. AT least I TRY.