
I can’t believe how tired I am all the time these days. It must be all the writing I’m doing. I’ve written in my book pretty much every single day since the beginning of October. I’m up to almost 30,000 words. In terms that everybody can understand, that’s size 10 Arial font, 1" margins, 33 pages. If you were reading a paperback book, it would be approximately 88 pages. I’ve finished 5 chapters.

I’m actually quite proud of myself.

And the strangest thing helps me write. I listen to the soundtracks on random loop of the first two Twilight movies. Horrible movies, silly books, but the music is actually pretty damn good. It helps me concentrate to listen to the music loudly. I can only write after the boys have gone to bed though, so I only get an hour or hour and a half at most a day.

Discovered last week, in parent / teacher conferences that both of my children are off the charts smart. Great. You’d think I’d be more excited by that. But, I’m not really. I’ve lived with my husband long enough to know that being borderline genius makes for a tough childhood and can make one EXTREMELY annoying as an adult.

Kenny is in Kindergarten and he can already multiply – in his HEAD. He can also READ (YAY!) which makes me so happy I actually cried when I realized it this evening as he read a book to me. Sure, it sounds like he’s just saying every word (no intonation), but he knows what he’s reading and gets the story.

Evan is creative. He likes to make up stories and play acts them out. He can also count and do several site words. He’s 3. He’s on the exact same level that Kenny was at this age.

It’s going to be extremely difficult being the only "average" person in a house of genius. I may be able to write decent stories, but math is beyond me. I’m not going to be able to help with their homework past the third grade if they keep on this track, and that makes me sad.

My good friend Dave is working at my company again. He still lives in Southern North Dakota, but he’ll be in the office every 4 to 6 weeks for a week at a time. I love having my friend back in town. We can talk about anything and everything. Our kids (his twins just started college), he owns a hot air balloon, he wants to read my book. It’s just nice to have him back. I hope he stays for a while this time.

My remote start that Nathan put on my car is still AWESOME! I can start my car from inside my office, which contains no windows to the outside world. It’s a concrete box encased in steel siding and roofing. 🙂 I almost can’t wait for it to get cold so my car can be warm when I get to it.

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November 3, 2010

Yes, it’s a good thing, and I can see why you would be apprehensive at the news. Just because the smart part of your brain hangs more to the right does NOT make you average! You are quite brilliant, don’t sell yourself short! If the boys are more mathematically/left-brain inclined, you may very well need to help them in the creativity department as they get older. You are a unique person and having dealt with Nathan, you are completely equipped to guide them through any difficulty their genius may bring them.

RYN: Thats what I wondered, if it was because of it being free. I hate it, I get so focused on making my comment fit, that I personalize it less. Feels more mechanical lol.

November 5, 2010

random noter here… I saw you had a Thoreau quote on your front page (always a plus in my book) and then you mention good ol’ No Dak in this entry…hmmm. lived there for 8 years and is where my wife is from… congrats on the smart kids..my wife and kids are all smarter than me…and I’ve often lamented about being the “dumbest” one in the house..

Most people don’t understand that being gifted is both a curse and a blessing. I have to work on my gifted beyond belief boy in my class’ program. He needs to go on an alternate Math program. I am hoping that I can keep up. UGH!

November 8, 2010

Remote start? That sounds wonderful! I’d like to read your work, congrats on the word count that you’ve achieved so far. My longest work is only 35K. I guess I’m too lazy…lol :))) i feel for you with having smart kids…it’s a bittersweet thing… :)))

November 10, 2010

RYN: lol you can have your pepto anyway you want it! hehe 🙂