Entry – Long

I’ve been absent from writing. I sit down to write, and yet I find nothing interesting to write about. But, I’m writing a bunch down now.


  • Tuesday
    • Today was St. Patrick’s Day. Not a lot to go on here. Just a bunch of nothing. Didn’t wear green. Felt like wearing a skirt. The guys I work with all thought it was the Second Coming. I’m a sort-of "tom boy" in that I’m more comfy in jeans and a t-shirt, but they’re usually fitted clothes and do not make me look like a boy. But, I AM a girl. I do own and wear skirts from time to time. Apparently, it’s been a while since I’ve actually worn one to work.
    • Went out to lunch with my friend C who became the stay at home mom. She’s one of "those" moms. You know. The kind in a restaraunt that lets her small child walk around a restaraunt annoying the other patrons. Madelyn spent a good portion of our lunch making friends with a lady who was trying to have lunch with somebody else. My friend C did not seem to care. Stuff like that drives me crazy though. My kids sit in their chair and eat (or just sit quietly) or we leave. They learn this early.
    • Interesting gossip about Owner Lady. Apparently, she’s trying to get her marriage to Owner Man anulled in the Catholic Church. They’ve been legally divorced for over a year now. She’s been seeing somebody else for a while. I wonder if she’s considering marriage again. She’s a religious person so would definitely want to get married in the church again. Who knows…
  • Monday
    • Not much here. Just a Monday.
  • Sunday
    • We went to the zoo. It was gorgeous out. Evan had a fit for the first 15 minutes because he didn’t want to be in the stroller. Kenny was very sweet though. He wanted me to roll his stroller next to Evan’s so that he could hold Evan’s hand and tell him it was going to be OK. AWWwwwwwww! Once Evan saw the elephants though, he calmed down and had a good old time. Kenny was such a big help and so sweet that I went ahead and let him get a new elephant at the Build-A-Bear shop. $35. Ouch. Speaking of ouch, parking went up to $11. There’s free parking all around the park and zoo, but you have to walk half a mile or more to use it and it’s "at your own risk." I paid the $11.
  • Saturday
    • Took Kenny and Evan to the park to feed the geese and play. A schoolmate of Kenny’s was there and for the first time ever, Kenny didn’t want or need me to play with him. He ran around like a normal little boy. Just being silly and having a good time. Kenny also threw his first ever public throw down tantrum when it was time to leave. He lost computer and Nintendo DS privelages for the night. Didn’t help his mood any.
  • Friday
    • Learned something from Owner Lady. It’s "in discussion" that they are going to ask people in the office to take unpaid leave as a "money saving manuever." This rocks for me. I have 1 day of vacation left (out of 2 weeks of vacation, 3 days sick leave, and one floating holiday). I’m hoping to be able to take time in September to go visit my sister after she has the baby. AND, if I can swing it, I’ll take some unpaid leave after tax season and go with my other sister to her Dad’s house in the mountains of South Carolina. There’s supposedly going to be some sort of announcement "soon" on how all the unpaid leave is going to work and how to sign up for it. I’m really hoping that the time will be flexible and not a given "this is when we’re doing it" type of thing.
  • Random times
    • I injured myself. Again. At first, it was just a normal self injury. You know. Thursday night, I spilled milk between the fridge and the counter and had to clean it up. I misjudged the distance between my head and the counter and WHAM knocked the right side of my jaw on the edge of the counter. Thankfully, I got an ice pack on it within 30 seconds. Then, Friday night, I was coming down the stairs and putting on a sweatshirt (I KNOW – dumb) and I cracked the back of my hand on the edge of the wall. Thought I broke my hand. It’s a lovely shade of green now, but doesn’t hurt. So, after the second injury, I knew it was only a matter of time before the 3rd one came to complete the trifecta of self-injury. It always happens that way. I was afraid to drive anywhere lest I bring somebody down with me. Anyhow, I did drive (early) to the Home Depot to pick up some supplies. I was talking to the lawn and garden help guy and pulling my cart behind me (instead of pushing it) when I rammed it into the back of my left foot – hobbling myself.  The trifecta is complete. Head, hands, feet. I should be good for a while now.
    • Nathan is waiting at least another month before he begins comparing prices on components for my new computer. That means it could be my birthday before I get a new computer. Yeah, I’m a bit pissed. But, money is money and it’s better to save up now than to spend a whole $1,000 (US) on a computer.
    • Hobby Lobby had a sale this weekend. One of my favorite yarn brands was on sale. It’s normally like $6 to $9 a skein. I got it for $1.99! ROCK ON! WOOHOO! So, I loaded up. $45 later, I have enough yarn to keep me busy for at least a month or two. I’m currently making a blanket for Kenny (pictures soon). I finished a baby blanket for my sister (pictures after she gets it)  and need to ship that off too. After I’m done with Kenny’s, I’m making a funky blanket to go on my couch that will match it. Wait until you see the yarn on it (pictures to come once I start knitting). When the couch blanket is done, I’ve got some weird yarn that I’m going to make into a blanket. It’s fuzzy pink (like brushed cotton candy) and a darker pink with purples and blues boucle (think bumpy). Not sure how that one will work out, but it’ll probably be fun.
    • I did bring out the bouncy house yesterday. Evan got over himself and climbed in on his own and was having a good time bouncing. He can now jump and get both feet off of the ground! He’s so big! It was gorgeous out all weekend and into today and through tomorrow afternoon too.
    • Ex-boss has left the company. You know, the one I used to work for before I had Kenny? The one I stressed over constantly because he frequently hinted that he wanted me to work for him again. Official word is that he resigned. Rumor is, the Owners asked him to resign or be let go several weeks before he announced his departure. He apparently refused. Something happened and about a month after he was initially asked, he resigned. There is also talk that he is suing the Owners and the Company for breach of contract and other things. We’ll see how it goes from there. I’m keeping an eye on the papers to see if anything is ever mentioned. Less stress for me now. I still have to work for the Owners, but now I don’t have to worry about being forced to work back up in the Executive Office again. The Owners will never ask me too beca

use I already still work for them doing what I did before. So, rock on. I’m still one of the "safe" people though because I do work for the Owners. Ex-boss was not my only "safety line" when it came to my job in this unstable market. 😉

Well, that’s about it I suppose. Time to figure out dinner and then maybe knit several rows.

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March 17, 2009

MY head, hands and feet hurt. Poor you!!!!!! I actually winced reading about your jaw. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

March 18, 2009

holy cow! you sound like me – klutzorama! I hope you aren’t in any terrible pain.

March 18, 2009

Ouch at jaw. Quite a busy week! Yes Fosse is Wonderful :0D.

March 18, 2009

Yep, the trifecta must always be completed. Ow though. And awwww at Kenny holding Evan’s hand. Bless him. 🙂