Easter vacation

My mom, older sister, the kids and I packed into my mini-van on Friday morning and drove from St. Louis, Missouri to Little Rock, Arkansas. It’s an 8 hour car ride. NOBODY napped on the way there. It was two 4 year olds, and one 5 year old. Yeah. LONG day. We did good though. We beat a lot of the really bad weather that hit.

Bullets because it seems funnier that way.

  • Couldn’t get the wi-fi to work in the hotel until I figured out that the wireless connection sucked. So, I tried to plug in the land line. It didn’t work either. Yeah, it helps if you plug it into the wall. I figured that out late on Saturday night.
  • Kenny was hiding under an antique end table and then proceeded to crack his head so hard on the corner he had a goose egg on his head. We actually had to watch him for signs of concussion.
  • My children did not eat ONE BITE of the lovely Easter dinner my grandmother made. For their Easter Dinner, they had cheese and crackers.
  • My grandmother has not changed since I was a child. Pick pick pick. Snide comment after snide comment. Belittle belittle belittle. GAH! But it’s all with good intentions.
  • We went to Hot Springs, Arkansas and went up the tower. The kids LOVED it! 🙂 I’m so glad because up in that tower is one of my happiest places.
  • We went to the cemetery to visit my grandfather’s grave. I put a rock on the headstone to show I was there.
  • I left my toothbrush at home and have  bought a replacement. Too bad every single day I have left it and my toothpaste in a plastic bag with bubbles on my grandmother’s back porch. I’ve been using Evan’s toothbrush after scalding it in the water.
  • My knees and shins are all beat up from playing with the kids.
  • My grandmother didn’t make us go to church with her. I couldn’t tell you how happy that made me. I couldn’t imagine taking these 3 hooligans to her church and then not murdering the lot of them in front of the congregation.
  • Evan slammed his knees on my grandmother’s back patio, they are BLACK and BLUE
  • I taught all 3 of the kids how to use my grandmother’s awesome yellow scooter. If I had a bike rack,  I would have totally stolen it. U used to ride that thing when I was a kid. I LOVE it.
  • Kenny got a tick in his (ahem) scrotum. We were at my grandmother’s neighbor’s house playing on their swing set with their kids when he got up and grabbed himself. I thought he had an accident (very rare). But he said "My winkie hurts!" And he looked panicked. So I rushed him back into my grandmother’s house and found the tick. EW! My mom helped me remove it. She got it out completely clean and smooth. I put some ointment on it. It was just a standard wood tick (I hope). My mom said it was way too big to be a deer tick. I’m going to look it up tonight.
  • We hid well over 100 eggs for 3 kids. LOL!
  • I’m so hungry for a Burger King burger right now, it’s CRAZY.
  • We’ll be leaving for home early tomorrow after stopping by to get my toothbrush and to say goodbye to my grandmother.

I’ve had a WONDERFUL trip! Pictures will come soon. My camera needs two new batteries. And my phone needs replacing.

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April 24, 2011

oh man, poor kenny! glad you had such a great trip! can’t wait to see pictures 🙂

April 24, 2011

Oh POOR Kenny!! This was hilarious. I often want to murder people in church….

April 25, 2011

Happy Easter – sounds like a fun trip 🙂

April 26, 2011

Poor little guy. How NOT fun! Sounds like was there was fun and memories made this weekend.