“D” Day

Today at 5PM I take D’Artagnan in for his X-rays and ultra-sound.
Last night, we had our usual routine of watching the news together in bed. He acted normally. He let me pet and rub him like always and I felt no lumps or bumps anywhere. His coat is in good condition. His eyes are bright. I’m holding out hope that he’s just fine. I’ve read online that calcium tests in a blood scan can come back wrong.

The plan (as agreed upon by my husband):

  1. If the X-Ray doesn’t show any signs of tumors, have the ultra-sound done.
  2. If the X-Ray shows tumors, do not do the ultra-sound.
    1. If the X-Ray shows a lot of tumors, have D’Artagnan euthanized tonight to prevent suffering.
    2. If the X-Ray shows a few tumors (or just one), confer with the doctor on prognosis and pain and suffering. Possibly bring D’Artagnan home to be with us until his time comes.
  3. If the ultra-sound shows no signs of cancer in the organs (or wherever their checking), ask to have a full blood panel run to check for the "really rare" parathyroid disease.
  4. If the ultra-sound shows a lot of cancer, have D’Artagnan euthanized.
  5. If the ultra-sound shows a little cancer, do NOT have a biopsy done. Ask vet about end of life comfort until D’Artagnan’s time comes.

I’ve told Nathan that I will keep him updated with texts. If D’Artagnan needs to be euthanized, I’ve asked him to take the boys out to dinner so that I may come home and fall apart without them around to see the first part of it. If I’m going to bring D’Artagnan home, then I’ll bring him home. 

It’s good to have a plan of action. I feel better about it. I will do what’s right for D’Artagnan.

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Fingers crossed. It sounds like you’ve got an amazingly stressful day planned.

January 17, 2013

I hope the test was wrong for your sake! *HuGS* Thinking of you today.

January 17, 2013

This sounds rough no matter how you look at it. A plan is always good though. Hoping for the best.

January 17, 2013

you’re in my thoughts today. Hugs!

January 17, 2013

Fingers crossed for best possible outcome. Sending lots of strength and hugs for today.