
I sent this to Kenny’s teacher today. I’m so upset over this. My heart is breaking. I’ve always known that Kenny was going to eventually have trouble because of how he is. He is so much like me – an easy target.  I just wasn’t prepared for it to begin in first grade.
Mr. H,
I know we have a meeting next week, but I didn’t want to wait to discuss this matter with you.
I’m pretty sure Kenny is being bullied at school. He’s been coming home telling me that B and S are throwing hard balls at his head during lunch recess, that S is kicking him, and B did something with the crayons. I think he kept taking them away or something, Kenny wasn’t clear on it. When he’s upset or embarrassed he tends to mumble and turn away.
I’ve been asking Kenny if they were playing games together and finally the other night he said that B and S didn’t like him and didn’t want him to play with him. And that even when he’s leaving those two alone, they’ll find him and hurt him.
Kenny said that you punished S by having him miss out on a game of Heads Up 7Up (tangent – I LOVED that game when I was a kid). That’s fine, but have you said anything to his parents?
I will *NOT* tolerate my son being bullied. I have told Kenny to stay away from B and S. I would appreciate your help on this matter as well. Kenny is socially awkward. He may not always read the cues correctly. But when he tells me that B and S search for him at recess to hurt him, that’s a bit much. It’d be different (sort of) if Kenny was pestering these boys.
This has been going on for several weeks now. I know kids are mean. Believe me, I was the same as Kenny when I was younger. But in this day in age, the "boys will be boys" mantra and excuse is not acceptable. I know these kids are just first graders, but if they don’t learn now that their behavior is unacceptable, when will they learn it?

Yeah. I’m not pissed yet. I’m broken hearted. I remember how bad it was for me. I still get that grip in my stomach when I think about what I went through. I’m better now, but still. Nobody should be treated this way. I never wanted Kenny to go through that. I knew he would not be a social butterfly. But I had hoped that maybe he could just be a "shadow kid." One that just blends in with the crowd and doesn’t stand out as the target. But he is. He’s the different one in the class. He’s the target. I hate it. HATE IT. I can’t protect him from it except to talk to the teacher and to try to keep Kenny talking to me about it. When we were little, it was an ignored problem. Kids were kids was all we got. These days, people realize how bad it can all be. It needs to be stopped. I’m miserable over the whole thing. Now I know why Kenny really doesn’t want to go to school. He’s got no friends and he’s picked on.

I have to stop or I’m gonna cry.

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October 18, 2011

I’m really sorry. My heart hurts for you both. I’m glad you are reaching out to the teacher and holding her accountable. Sure, to some degree children should work their own problems out – maybe when they are older, but not at his young age! Now is the time to mold and teach the way they think. Will keep you both in my thoughts.

October 18, 2011

Aw honey, I feel the hurt in all this….fight hard, and don’t back down.

October 18, 2011

I’m sorry that he’s going through this. Two of my boys have issues and don’t pick up on social cues, either… but it’s my social butterfly of a middle older son that is being bullied and he was told by his teacher to apologize to the OTHER kid. No kidding… let’s just say that I was not happy to hear that…

October 18, 2011

This is heartbreaking. :^(

October 18, 2011

My 13 yr. old daughter has joined the anti-bullying task force at her school but there’s nothing like that at the elementary school. It would be useless anyhow, considering they refuse to discipline the children when they act up. That’s another reason why I’m pulling Wesley out of school.

October 18, 2011

grrrr etc… not my Kenny. Get him into social activities so that he has more opportunities to practice social skills.

October 18, 2011

I’m with you on this. My son was bullied and it broke my heart. Still does when I think of it. I don’t know how many kids I talked to…how many parents I talked to…it didn’t stop until he got into high school. He was a victim as sure as anyone who is a victim of any crime. It’s good that you are reaching out. I hope you get some resolution soon. **hugs**